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Gordienko V. V. About geological theory // Геофиз. журн. - 2022. - 44, № 2.

Trung G. K. An overview of seismic ground response methods over the world and their applications in Vietnam // Геофиз. журн. - 2021. - 43, № 2.

Tretyak K. R. Application of Sentinel-1 radar interferometric images for the monitoring of vertical displacements of the earth's surface affected by non-tidal atmospheric loading // Геофиз. журн. - 2023. - 45, № 1.

Boychenko S. Comfortable climatic conditions for human on the territory of Ukraine for the period 1991 - 2020 // Геофиз. журн. - 2021. - 43, № 4.

Korniyenko Sheremet Ye. Comments to a publication of Stovba et al., 2020 "Geological structure and tectonic evolution of the Ukrainian sector of the Black Sea", Geophysical Journal, 2020, Vol. 42, № 5, P. 53 - 106 // Геофиз. журн. - 2020. - 42, № 6.

Rusakov O. Contrasting lithospheric geophysical structure of the Black Sea subbasins: Relevance to testing geotectonic models for this mega depression // Геофиз. журн. - 2023. - 45, № 1.

Бурахович Т. К. Cучасні геоелектромагнітні дослідження Українських Карпат // Геофиз. журн. - 2022. - 44, № 3.

Akhmedov T. R. Detailed study of geology of the lower parts of Pliocene in Kurovdagh area by use of 3D seismic survey // Геофиз. журн. - 2023. - 45, № 4.

Bondarenko M. S. Determination of engineering geophysical parameters of grounds on building sites and for seismic microzonation (methodical and metrological components of technology) // Геофиз. журн. - 2022. - 44, № 1.

Starodub Yu. P. Development of the methodology of energy and environmental safety of Ukraine based on own geothermics // Геофиз. журн. - 2023. - 45, № 4.

Rokityansky I. I. Donbas conductivity anomaly in the Karpinsky Swell // Геофиз. журн. - 2022. - 44, № 6.

Rokityansky I. I. Donbas geoelectrical structure // Геофиз. журн. - 2022. - 44, № 1.

Gordienko V. V. Earth's crust and physical fields of the oceans // Геофиз. журн. - 2023. - 45, № 1.

Piriyev R. H. Effectiveness of electromagnetic monitoring in studying earthquakes // Геофиз. журн. - 2021. - 43, № 2.

Rokityansky I. I. Electrical conductivity anomalies study // Геофиз. журн. - 2023. - 45, № 4.

Gorbachova L. Estimation of tendencies, homogeneity and stationarity of air temperature at the Ukrainian Antarctic "Akademik Vernadsky" station during 1951 - 2020 // Геофиз. журн. - 2022. - 44, № 4.

Seidov V. M. Evolution of hydrocarbon deposits in the South Caspian Basin // Геофиз. журн. - 2023. - 45, № 3.

Fomin Yu. O. Evolution of the composition of hydrothermal mineral-forming fluid of ore deposits in early Precambrian of the Ukrainian Shield // Геофиз. журн. - 2023. - 45, № 1.

Mykulyak S. V. Experimental study of shear deformation of the medium formed by the massif of ribbed grains // Геофиз. журн. - 2021. - 43, № 2.

Logvinov I. M. Geoelectric model of the Earth's crust and upper mantle of the Dniester- Bug megablock of the Ukrainian Shield // Геофиз. журн. - 2023. - 45, № 2.
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