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Hooper, Charlotte.
Manly States [Electronic resource] : masculinities, International Relations, and Gender Politics / Charlotte Hooper. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2000. - 300 p
Переклад назви: Мужні держави: маскулінність, міжнародні відносини та ґендерна політика


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Much has been written on how masculinity shapes international relations, but little feminist scholarship has focused on how international relations shape masculinity. Charlotte Hooper draws from feminist theory to provide an account of the relationship between masculinity and power. She explores how the theory and practice of international relations produces and sustains masculine identities and masculine rivalries. This volume asserts that international politics shapes multiple masculinities rather than one static masculinity, positing an interplay between a "hegemonic masculinity" (associated with elite, western male power) and other subordinated, feminized masculinities (typically associated with poor men, nonwestern men, men of color, and/or gay men). Employing feminist analyses to confront gender-biased stereotyping in various fields of international political theory -- including academic scholarship, journals, and popular literature like The Economist -- Hooper reconstructs the nexus of international relations and gender politics during this age of globalization.

геополітика -- маскулінна культура -- ґендерна політика

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