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Burns, Eric.
Invasion of the mind snatchers: [Electronic resource] : television's conquest of America in the fifties / Eric Burns. - Philadelphia : Temple university press, 2010. - 352 p
Переклад назви: Вторгнення викрадачів інтелекту: підкорення Америки телебаченням у п'ятдесяті


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

When the first television was demonstrated in 1927, a headline in The New York Times read, "Like a Photo Come to Life." It was a momentous occasion. But the power of television wasn't fully harnessed until the 1950s, when the medium was, as Eric Burns says, "At its most preoccupying, its most life-altering." And Burns, a former NBC News correspondent who is an Emmy-winner for his broadcast writing, knows about the impact of television. Invasion of the Mind Snatchers chronicles the influence of television that was watched daily by the baby boomer generation. As kids became spellbound by Howdy Doody and The Ed Sullivan Show, Burns reveals, they often acted out their favorite programs. Likewise, they purchased the merchandise being promoted by performers, and became fascinated by the personalities they saw on screen, often emulating their behavior. It was the first generation raised by TV and Burns looks at both the promise of broadcasting as espoused by the inventors, and how that promise was both redefined and lost by the corporations who helped to spread the technology. Yet Burns also contextualizes the social, cultural, and political events that helped shape the Fifties--from Sputnik and the Rosenberg trial to Senator Joseph McCarthy's Red Scare. In doing so, he charts the effect of television on politics, religion, race, and sex, and how the medium provided a persuasive message to the young, impressionable viewers.

ЗМІ -- телебачення -- шоу-бізнес -- США -- інформаційна політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Mander, Jerry.
Four arguments for the elimination of television [Electronic resource] / J. Mander. - New York : Quill, 1978. - 370 p.
Переклад назви: Чотири аргументи на користь знищення телебачення


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

A total departure from previous writing about television, this book is the first ever to advocate that the medium is not reformable. Its problems are inherent in the technology itself and are so dangerous -- to personal health and sanity, to the environment, and to democratic processes -- that TV ought to be eliminated forever. Weaving personal experiences through meticulous research, the author ranges widely over aspects of television that have rarely been examined and never before joined together, allowing an entirely new, frightening image to emerge. The idea that all technologies are "neutral," benign instruments that can be used well or badly, is thrown open to profound doubt. Speaking of TV reform is, in the words of the author, "as absurd as speaking of the reform of a technology such as guns."

телебачення -- масова комунікація -- ЗМІ

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