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   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

A century of international drug control [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2009. - 104 p.
Переклад назви: Сторіччя міжнародного контролю над наркотиками


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   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

A threat assessment, 2011 [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2011. - 162 p.
Переклад назви: Оцінка загрози, 2011


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   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Amerasinghe, C. F.
Principles of the Institutional Law of International Organizations [Electronic resource] / C. F. Amerasinghe. - 2nd. ed.. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005. - 535 p.
Переклад назви: Принципи інституційного права міжнародних організацій


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This first book in the relaunch of Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law addresses the institutional aspect of the law of international organisations. Dr Amerasinghe starts with a brief history of international organisations. In 14 substantive chapters he then deals with subjects such as interpretation, membership and representation, the doctrine of ultra vires, responsibility, liability of members to third parties, Internal Law and Employment relations, Privileges and Immunities, Finances, dispute settlement, and dissolution and succession. There is a full and detailed examination of the problems connected with each of these subjects. The primary object of the book is to discuss principles, but Dr Amerasinghe also studies the law and practice of different organisations, using a rigorous analysis of the material alongside his functional examination of the law.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bast, J.
Grundbegriffe der Handlungsformen der EU [Electronic resource] : entwickelt am Beschluss als praxis generierter Handlungsform des Unions- und Gemeinschaftsrechts / J. Bast. - Berlin : Springer, 2006. - 485 S.
Переклад назви: Основні поняття з інструментів ЄС: розроблені рішення практичних дій, що генерують форму союзу і законодавства Співтовариства


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Der Autor legt eine Grundlagenstudie vor,die die Handlungsformen der EU dogmatisch erschließt und sie zu weiteren Zentralkategorien des europäischen Verfassungsrechts ... in Beziehung setzt. Der Schlüssel zum Verständnis der verschiedenen Handlungsformen ist ihr je spezifischer Wirkungsmodus ... Als Fallstudie entwickelt die Arbeit detailliert das Rechtsregime des Beschlusses. Mit dieser Handlungsform, die in der Rechtsetzungspraxis entwickelt wurde, können die Organe der Union verbindliche Festlegungen treffen, ohne den Mitgliedstaaten oder den Bürgern rechtliche Verpflichtungen aufzuerlegen.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bensahel, N.
The Counterterror Coalitions [Electronic resource] : cooperation with Europe, NATO, and the European Union / N. Bensahel. - Santa Monica : RAND, 2003. - 71 p.
Переклад назви: Антитерористична коаліція: співпраця з Європою, НАТО і Європейським Союзом


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The long-term success of the counterterror campaign will depend on concerted cooperation from European states, but a key question is the extent to which that cooperation should be pursued through European multilateral institutions. This study argues that the United States should pursue military and intelligence cooperation on a bilateral basis, and it should increasingly pursue financial and law enforcement cooperation on a multilateral basis. The United States should adopt a nuanced strategy in its counterterror relations with Europe.


   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Bercusson, D.
European Labour Law [Electronic resource] / D. Bercusson. - 2nd. ed.. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 752 p.
Переклад назви: Європейське трудове право


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European Labour Law explores how individual European notional legal systems, in symbiosis with the European Union, produce a transnational labour law system that is distinct and genuinely European in character. Professor Brian Bercusson describes the evolution of this system, its national, transnational and global contexts and its institutional and substantive structures. The collective industrial-relations dimension of employment is examined, and the labour law of the EU as manifested in, for example, European works councils is analysed. Important subjects which have traditionally received little attention in some European labour law systems are covered, for example the fragmentation of the workforce into atypical forms of employment. Attention is also given to the enforcement of European labour law through administrative or judicial mechanisms and the European social dialogue at intersectoral and sectoral levels. This new edition has been extensively updated, as the EU’s influence on this area of social policy continues to grow.

праця -- правознавство

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Crime and development in Africa [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2005. - 160 p.
Переклад назви: Злочинність і розвиток в Африці


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   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Crime et Développement en Afrique [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2005. - 180 p.
Переклад назви: Злочинність і розвиток в Африці


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   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Crimen y Desarrollo en Centroamérica [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2007. - 109 с.
Переклад назви: Злочинність і розвиток у Центральній Америці


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   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Drug trafficking as a security threat in West Africa [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2008. - 54 p.
Переклад назви: Незаконний обіг наркотиків як загроза безпеки в Західній Африці


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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Dunoff, J. L.
Ruling the World? [Electronic resource] : constitutionalism, International Law, and Global Governance / J. L. Dunoff, J. P. Trachtman. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009. - 414 p.
Переклад назви: Керування світом? : Конституціоналізм, міжнародне право, і глобальне управління


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Ruling the World?: Constitutionalism, International Law, and Global Governance provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the major developments and central questions in debates over international constitutionalism at the UN, EU, WTO, and other sites of global governance. The essays in this volume explore controversial empirical and structural questions, doctrinal and normative issues, and questions of institutional design and positive political theory. Ruling the World? grows out of a three-year research project that brought twelve leading scholars together to create a comprehensive and integrated framework for understanding global constitutionalization. Ruling the World? is the first volume to explore in a cross-cutting way constitutional discourse across international regimes, constitutional pluralism, and relations among transnational and domestic constitutions. The volume examines the core assumptions, basic analytic tools, and key challenges in contemporary debates over international constitutionalization.

конституція -- право

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Estimating illicit financial flows resulting from drug trafficking and other transnational organized crimes [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2011. - 140 p.
Переклад назви: Оцінка незаконних фінансових потоків, пов'язаних з обігом наркотиків та іншими видами транснаціональної організованої злочинності


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Criminals, especially drug traffickers, may have laundered around $1.6 trillion, or 2.7 per cent of global GDP, in 2009, according to a new report by UNODC. This figure is consistent with the 2 to 5 per cent range previously established by the International Monetary Fund to estimate the scale of money-laundering.


   Тип видання:   монографія   

EU food law [Electronic resource] : a practical guide / ed. K. Goodburn. - Cambridge : Woodhead Publishing Limited ; Boca Raton : CRC Press LLC, 2001. - 256 p.
Переклад назви: Харчовий закон Європейського Союзу


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EU food safety legislation has evolved over 30 years or so, reflecting a blend of scientific, social, political and economic factors. As a result, there has, at times, been little coherence in its development, resulting in over-complex and fragmented measures and lack of consistency. It is only recently that the EU has developed a clear policy framework for food law.

права споживачів

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fomerand, Jacques.
The A to Z of the United Nations [Electronic resource] / Jacques Fomerand. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2009. - 693 p. - (The A to Z Guide Series ; no. 28)
Переклад назви: Організація Об'єднаних Націй від А до Я


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Consisting of 192 Member States, the United Nations was founded in 1945 to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly relations among nations based on the respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples; to achieve international cooperation in solving problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character; and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. Just how successful the UN has been in maintaining these goals is covered in The A to Z of the United Nations. Author Jacques Fomerand provides a comprehensive dictionary of nearly 900 cross-referenced entries on the UN's various committees and organizations, its leaders, terms, policies, and major events in which the UN took part. Supplementing the dictionary entries are a chronology, an introduction, a bibliography, and appendixes, which include a reproduction of the UN's Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as a list of the Member States and when they joined.

карїни -- нації -- політика

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Forum on crime and society [Electronic resource]. - New York : United Nations, 2001-2003
Переклад назви: Форум з проблем злочинності і суспільства


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Vol. 1, № 2. - 2001. - 145 p.

Vol. 2, № 1. - 2002. - 161 p.

Vol. 3, № 1,2. - 2003. - 155 p.

Forum on Crime and Society is a United Nations sales publication issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, based in Vienna. It is published twice yearly in the six official languages of the United Nations: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

кримінал -- злочинність

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Global report on trafficking in persons [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2009. - 292 p.
Переклад назви: Всесвітня доповідь про торгівлю людьми


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кримінал -- людина

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Global study on homicide [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2011. - 128 p.
Переклад назви: Глобальне дослідження вбивств


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The 2011 Global Study on Homicide has been conceived to provide a unique overview of the ultimate crime. The picture it paints is of a phenomenon marked by large disparities in distribution, demographics, typologies and mechanisms.

вбивство -- злочинність

   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Grant, T. D.
Admission to the United Nations: charter article 4 and the rise of Universal organization [Electronic resource] / T. D. Grant. - Leiden : Koninklijke Brill, 2009. - 334 p.. - (Legal aspects of international organization)
Переклад назви: Прийом до Організації Об'єднаних Націй: Статут статті 4 і становлення Всесвітньої Організації


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The United Nations began as an alliance during World War II. Eventually, however, the UN came to approximate a universal organization - i.e., open to and aspiring to include all States. This presents a legal question, for Article 4 of the Charter contains substantive criteria to limit admission of States to the UN and no formal amendment has touched that part of the Charter. This book gives an up-to-date account of admission to the UN, from the 1950s ‘logjam’ through on-going controversies like Kosovo and Taiwan. With reference to Charter law, the book considers how Article 4 came to accommodate universality and what the future of a universal organization in a world of politically diverse States might be.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Habermas, Jurgen.
The crisis of the European union [Electronic resource] : a Response / J. Habermas. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2012. - 154 p
Переклад назви: Криза Європейського союзу


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All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, eleCtronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

кризис -- економика -- Європа

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

International criminal law and philosophy [Electronic resource] / ed. L. May, Z. Hoskins. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 270 p.
Переклад назви: Міжнародне кримінальне право та філософія


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This volume brings together some of the best recent work by philosophers and legal theorists on the conceptual and normative grounding of international criminal law. Philosophers and other theorists are only just beginning to write about the emerging field of international criminal law. International law has taken a significant turn in recent years. Rather than being primarily concerned with the relations of states, one significant branch of international law – namely, international criminal law – now concerns the relations of individuals, specifically, the responsibility of individuals for mass atrocities. As with any such change, there are many questions and problems that arise. In our book, we begin with considerations of the conflict between state sovereignty and universal jurisdiction; examine thorny issues raised when the victims or the perpetrators of international crimes are groups or corporations; proceed through various specific questions related to justice and human rights; and conclude with chapters on how international criminal trials should be seen in terms of theories of punishment and reconciliation. Throughout, these chapters relate thinking in political philosophy, ethics, and jurisprudence to cases and issues in the practice of international criminal law

міжнародні відносини -- кримінальний суд

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