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Иринархов, Р. С.
1941. Пропущенный удар. Почему Красную Армию застали врасплох? [Електронний ресурс] / Р. С. Иринархов. - М. : Яуза : Эксмо, 2011. - 576 с.. - (Война и мы)


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Хотя о катастрофе 1941 года написаны целые библиотеки, тайна величайшей трагедии XX века не разгадана до сих пор. Почему Красная Армия так и не была приведена в боевую готовность, хотя все разведанные буквально кричали, что нападения следует ждать со дня надень? Почему руководство СССР игнорировало все предупреждения о надвигающейся войне? По чьей вине управление войсками было потеряно в первые же часы боевых действий, а Западный фронт разгромлен за считанные дни? Некоторые вопиющие факты просто не укладываются в голове. Так, вечером 21 июня, когда руководство Западного Особого военного округа находилось на концерте в Минске, к командующему подошел начальник разведотдела и доложил, что на границе очень неспокойно. «Этого не может быть, чепуха какая-то, разведка сообщает, что немецкие войска приведены в полную боевую готовность и даже начали обстрел отдельных участков нашей границы», — сказал своим соседям ген. Павлов и, приложив палец к губам, показал на сцену; никто и не подумал покинуть спектакль! Мало того, накануне войны поступил прямой запрет на рассредоточение авиации округа, а 21 июня — приказ на просушку топливных баков; войскам было запрещено открывать огонь даже по большим группам немецких самолетов, пересекающим границу; с пограничных застав изымалось (якобы «для осмотра») автоматическое оружие, а боекомплекты дотов, танков, самолетов приказано было сдать на склад! Что это — преступная некомпетентность, нераспорядительность, откровенный идиотизм? Или нечто большее?.. НОВАЯ КНИГА ведущего военного историка не только дает ответ на самые горькие вопросы, но и подробно, день за днем, восстанавливает ход первых сражений Великой Отечественной.

друга світова війна

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Чорновол, Ігор.
199 депутатів Галицького сейму [Електронний ресурс] / Ігор Чорновол. - Львів : Тріада плюс, 2010. - 228 с.


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199 осіб – саме стільки осіб представляло український народ у Галицькому Сеймі за всю його історію з 1861 по 1914 рр. Книга становить біографічний словник українських депутатів, до якого додано нарис історії Галицького сейму й численні ілюстрації, та є продовженням попередньої книги автора «Українська фракція Галицького крайового сейму. 1861–1901. Нарис з історії українського парламентаризму» (2002). Вчителям, студентам, історикам та всім шанувальникам минулого Львова та Галичини.

політика -- парламентаризм -- урядування -- Галичина

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Стецько, Я. С.
30 червня 1941 [Електронний ресурс] : проголошення відновлення державності України / Я. С. Стецько. - [Б. м. : б. в.], 1967. - 463 с.


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правовий акт -- суспільство

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Grossi, Р.
A History of European Law [Electronic resource] / Р. Grossi. - Rome : Wiley-Blackwell, 2007. - 220 p.
Переклад назви: Історія європейського права


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After accepting the kind offer of Jacques Le Goff and the publisher to compile the volume in the Making of Europe series dedicated to legal history, I found myself faced with an unenviable task. I shall attempt here to sketch the outline of a historical and juridical narrative that spreads over more than fifteen centuries and the entire European continent, whilst following this series’ habitual combination of unstinting intellectual rigour with an equally unstinting accessibility of discussion. I must therefore scrupulously avoid the comfortable recourse of closed scholarly debate, and instead make it a priority to communicate with those outside the limited circle of experts.

юриспруденція -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

A History of Infanticide in Britain, c. 1600 to the Present [Electronic resource]. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - 349 p
Переклад назви: Історія дітовбивства у Великобританії від 1600 року до наших днів


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This work provides a detailed history of infanticide in mainland Britain from 1600 to the modern era for the very first time. It examines continuity and change in the nature and characteristics of new-born child murder in Scotland, England and Wales over a chronology of more than four centuries. Alongside offering a comparative analysis of the types of individuals suspected of the offence, and a detailed appreciation of the different ways in which the crime was carried out, the work also exposes the broad nexus of causal factors which underpinned its enactment. In addition, the work investigates the evolving attitude in social, medical and legal contexts to the killing of young infants in Britain over a substantive time period. Thus the work as a whole is both compelling and innovative as it provides the reader with much more than a mere history of infanticide. The book also contributes much to our understanding of criminal history, gender history, legal history, medical history and social history in its analyses of the different contexts allied to the offence. It does this also through its exploration of the complex characteristics of accusers, commentators and perpetrators across cultures, borders and time.

інфантицид -- вбивства -- кримінал

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Feldman, S. M.
American legal thought from premodernism to postmodernism: an intellectual voyage [Electronic resource] / S. M. Feldman. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 285 p.
Переклад назви: Американська юридична думка з премодернізму до постмодернізму: інтелектуальна подорож


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To travel from premodernism through modernism and into post-modernism might take several centuries and even millennia. American legal thought, remarkably so, has made the voyage in just over two hundred years. My purpose is to tell the story of this mercurial journey.

модернізм -- юриспруденція

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Rogers, Eugene F..
Aquinas and the Supreme Court [Electronic resource] : race, Gender, and the Failure of Natural Law in Thomas’s Biblical Commentaries / E. F. Rogers. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. - 338 p.
Переклад назви: Тома Аквінський та Верховний Суд США: раса, ґендер і колапс природного права у томістському тлумаченні біблійних текстів


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Contemporary accounts of what’s “natural” for human society still cite the thirteenth-century system of Thomas Aquinas – even on the Supreme Court. But those accounts ignore his biblical commentaries, which reveal something much stranger. Against the reigning impression, the commentaries embed all law, even the law of nature, in a sexually charged story of decline by specific ethnic groups – Jews and Gentiles – gendered in changing ways and redeemed by the reinsemination of divine grace. This book uses accounts of ethnicity and gender, nature and grace in Aquinas’s biblical commentaries to reframe the systematic works (especially his Summa theologiae) still quoted in court. The whole advantage of natural law is supposed to lie in its independence from any particular group, history, or religion. That is why rival views of gender and sexuality both appeal to “nature” and cite Aquinas. But Aquinas’s Summa ties natural law to specific biblical passages, where his commentary describes a nature that differs by ethnicity, varies over time, and changes sexuality by God’s decree. This destabilizes turn-of-the-twenty-first-century uses, liberal or conservative.

середньовічна філософія -- релігієзнавство -- екзегетика -- моральні категорії

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

McCourt, P.
Biographical sketch of the Honorable Edward Whelan [Електронний ресурс] : together with a compilation of his principal speeches / P. McCourt. - Charlottetown : Charlottetown, P.E.I. : McCourt, 1888. - 301 p.
Переклад назви: Біографічний нарис шановного Едварда Уїлана: разом з збіркою з його головних промов


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 Джерело інформації

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Edward Whelan (1824 – December 10, 1867). Edward Whelan was one of Prince Edward Island's delegates to the Québec Conference and one of the Fathers of the Canadian Confederation. Edward Whelan was also a journalist, orator, and advocate for responsible government.

політик -- політика -- історія -- всесвітня історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Friedman, L. M.
Breve historia del derecho estadounidense [Electronic resource] / L. M. Friedman. - México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2007. - 196 с.
Переклад назви: Коротка історія американського закону


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закон -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Jayal, Niraja Gopal.
Citizenship and its discontents [Electronic resource] : an indian history / Niraja Gopal Jayal. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2013. - 377 p
Переклад назви: Громадянство і невдоволення: Індійська історія


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Breaking new ground in scholarship, Niraja Jayal writes the first history of citizenship in the largest democracy in the world—India. Unlike the mature democracies of the west, India began as a true republic of equals with a complex architecture of citizenship rights that was sensitive to the many hierarchies of Indian society. In this provocative biography of the defining aspiration of modern India, Jayal shows how the progressive civic ideals embodied in the constitution have been challenged by exclusions based on social and economic inequality, and sometimes also, paradoxically, undermined by its own policies of inclusion. Citizenship and Its Discontents explores a century of contestations over citizenship from the colonial period to the present, analyzing evolving conceptions of citizenship as legal status, as rights, and as identity. The early optimism that a new India could be fashioned out of an unequal and diverse society led to a formally inclusive legal membership, an impulse to social and economic rights, and group-differentiated citizenship. Today, these policies to create a civic community of equals are losing support in a climate of social intolerance and weak solidarity. Once seen by Western political scientists as an anomaly, India today is a site where every major theoretical debate about citizenship is being enacted in practice, and one that no global discussion of the subject can afford to ignore.

демократія -- постколоніалізм -- історія Індії -- громадянство

   Тип видання:   нормативно-правовий акт   

Eastern Cherokee applications of the U.S. Court of Claims, 1906-1909 [Electronic resource]. - Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service, 1980
Переклад назви: Застосування США судових претензій до Східних Черокі, 1906-1909


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 Джерело інформації

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Vol. 344. - 1338 p.

Vol. 345. - 1311 p.

Vol. 346. - 967 p.

Vol. 347. - 633 p.

Voi. 348. - 672 p.

історія -- суд -- індіанець

   Тип видання:   словник   

Berger, A.
Encyclopedic dictionary of roman law [Electronic resource] / A. Berger. - Philadelphia : American Philosophical Society, 1953. - 479 p.. - (Transactions of the american philosophical society. Vol. 43, part 2)
Переклад назви: Енциклопедичний словник римського права


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An encyclopedic dictionary, with extensive bibliographies, designed for teachers and students of Roman Law in the classroom, for students of legal history who have little or no knowledge of Latin, and for readers of juristic or literary Latin works in translations that may not be reliable when legal terms or problems are involved.

юриспруденція -- історія права

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Clark, Peter.
European Cities and Towns, 400-2000 [Electronic resource] / Peter Clark. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2009. - 427 p
Переклад назви: Європейські міста, 400-2000


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Since the Middle Ages Europe has been one of the most urbanized continents on the planet and Europe's cities have firmly stamped their imprint on the continent's economic, social, political, and cultural life. This study of European cities and towns from the fall of the Roman Empire to the present day looks both at regional trends from across Europe and also at the widely differing fortunes of individual communities on the roller coaster of European urbanization. Taking a wide-angled view of the continent that embraces northern and eastern Europe as well as the city systems of the Mediterranean and western Europe, it addresses important debates ranging from the nature of urban survival in the post-Roman era to the position of the European city in a globalizing world. The book is divided into three parts, dealing with the middle ages, the early modern period, and the nineteenth and twentieth centuries - with each part containing chapters on urban trends, the urban economy, social developments, cultural life and landscape, and governance. Throughout, the book addresses key questions such as the role of migration, including that of women and ethnic minorities; the functioning of competition and emulation between cities, as well as issues of inter-urban cooperation; the different ways civic leaders have sought to promote urban identity and visibility; the significance of urban autonomy in enabling cities to protect their interests against the state; and not least why European cities and towns over the period have been such pressure cookers for new ideas and creativity, whether economic, political, or cultural.

урбанізація -- Магдебурзьке право -- стратифікація суспільства

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Dolin, K.
Fiction and the Law [Electronic resource] : legal Discourse in Victorian and Modernist Literature / K. Dolin. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1999. - 234 p.
Переклад назви: Фантастика і право: Правовий дискурс у вікторіанській і модерністській літературі


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Law and literature have been two of the most powerful discourses in the construction of social reality. The relationship between the two has emerged as a vital new area of study, as literature has influenced popular understanding of law. Utilizing legal and literary theory, Kieran Dolin examines the interplay between legal discourse and the novel in the century between Walter Scott and E. M. Forster. This comprehensive study draws on legal and literary theory to trace this important convergence of disciplines in a series of canonical Victorian and Modernist texts.

право -- література

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bannon, C. J.
Gardens and Neighbors [Electronic resource] : private Water Rights in Roman Italy / C. J. Bannon. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan, 2009. - 310 p.
Переклад назви: Сади і сусіди: Приватні Права на води в Римській Італії


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As is increasingly true today, fresh water in ancient Italy was a limited resource, made all the more precious by the Roman world's reliance on agriculture as its primary source of wealth. From estate to estate, the availability of water varied, in many cases forcing farmers in need of access to resort to the law. In Gardens and Neighbors: Private Water Rights in Roman Italy, Cynthia Bannon explores the uses of the law in controlling local water supplies. She investigates numerous issues critical to rural communities and the Roman economy. Her examination of the relationship between farmers and the land helps draw out an understanding of Roman attitudes toward the exploitation and conservation of natural resources and builds an understanding of law in daily Roman life


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Goldman, D. B.
Globalisation and the Western Legal Tradition [Electronic resource] : recurring Patterns of Law and Authority / D. B. Goldman. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007. - 362 p.
Переклад назви: Глобалізація та західна правова традиція: повторення патернів права та повноваження


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What can 'globalisation' teach us about law in the Western tradition? This important new work seeks to explore that question by analysing key ideas and events in the Western legal tradition, including the Papal Revolution, the Protestant Reformations and the Enlightenment. Addressing the role of law, morality and politics, it looks at the creation of orders which offer the possibility for global harmony, in particular the United Nations and the European Union. It also considers the unification of international commercial laws in the attempt to understand Western law in a time of accelerating cultural interconnections. The title will appeal to scholars of legal history and globalisation as well as students of jurisprudence and all those trying to understand globalisation and the Western dynamic of law and authority.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Greek law in its political setting: justifications not justice [Electronic resource] / ed. L. Foxhall, A. D.E. Lewis. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996. - 260 p.
Переклад назви: Грецький закон в його політичному положенні: виправдання не правосуддя


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This volume explores the ways in which law integrated with other aspects of life in ancient Greece. The papers collected here reveal a number of different pathways between law and political, social, and economic life in Greek societies. Emanating from several scholarly traditions, they offer a range of contrasting but complementary insights rarely collected together. What emerges clearly is that law in Greece only takes on its full meaning in a broadly political context. Dynamic tensions govern the relationships between this semi-autonomous legal arena and other spheres of life. An ideology of equality before the law was juxtaposed with a practical reality of individuals' unequal abilities to cope with it. It is hard to draw firm lines between the settlement of cases in court and the spill-over of legal actions into the agora, the streets, the fields, and the houses. Hence it is hardly surprising if justice can all too easily give way to justification.

закони Греції -- грецьке право

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Scott, G. G.
Homicide by the Rich and Famous [Electronic resource] : a Century of Prominent Killers / G. G. Scott. - Westport : Praeger Publishers, 2005. - 266 p.
Переклад назви: Убивства багатих і знаменитих: Століття відомих вбивць


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Many people express shock and horror when they hear of a wealthy or famous person killing another person. As a society, we seem to expect the rich and famous to behave better, to commit fewer crimes, to be immune to the passions that inspire other, less prominent people to kill. After all, the rich and famous have everything—why would they need to murder? But the rich and famous kill for the very same reasons others do: love, power, money, jealousy, greed, revenge, and rage. Here, Scott takes us on a tour of murders committed by the rich and famous during the last century, looking at the motives, the responses of the community and local law enforcement, the media, and the outcomes. She argues that the rich and famous may kill for the same reasons as others, but they receive vastly different treatment and are often able to get away with murder. Homicide by the rich and famous is not new in this country, nor is fascination with the crimes committed by our most revered citizens. But being among the upper echelon of society does afford such suspects with a greater ability to escape punishment. They have greater access to better respresentation, they have the means to flee the country, they have influential friends in high places willing to put themselves on the line, and they are generally treated better by law enforcement and the criminal justice system. This book profiles the many ways in which homicides committed by the rich and famous are similar to other murders in their motives, but differ from those committed by everyday citizens in their outcomes. Scott provides readers with a showcase of crimes that will infuriate and fascinate readers.

злочин -- вбивство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Curtis, L. Perry.
Jack the Ripper and the London Press [Electronic resource] / L. Perry Curtis. - London : Yale University Press : New Haven and London, 2001. - 363 p.
Переклад назви: Джек Різник і лондонська преса


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Annotation. Press coverage of the 1888 mutilation murders attributed to Jack the Ripper was of necessity filled with gaps and silences, for the killer remained unknown and Victorian journalists had little experience reporting serial murders and sex crimes. This engrossing book examines how fourteen London newspapers-dailies and weeklies, highbrow and lowbrow-presented the Ripper news, in the process revealing much about the social, political, and sexual anxieties of late Victorian Britain and the role of journalists in reinforcing social norms. L. Perry Curtis surveys the mass newspaper culture of the era, delving into the nature of sensationalism and the conventions of domestic murder news. Analyzing the fourteen newspapers-two of which emanated from the East End, where the murders took place-he shows how journalists played on the fears of readers about law and order by dwelling on lethal violence rather than sex, offering gruesome details about knife injuries but often withholding some of the more intimate details of the pelvic mutilations. He also considers how the Ripper news affected public perceptions of social conditions in Whitechapel.

серійні вбивства -- злочинність -- медіа

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Goldelman, Solomon L..
Jewish national autonomy in Ukraine 1917-1920 [Electronic resource] : translated from ukrainian / S. L. Goldelman. - Chicago : Ukrainian research and information institute, 1968. - 131 p.
Переклад назви: Єврейська національна автономія в Україні 1917-1920 р.


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національні меншини -- єврейське населення

Всі права захищені © Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського