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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Флауерс, Чарльз.
10 заповедей нестабильности. Замечательные идеи ХХ века [Електронний ресурс] / Ч. Флауерс ; пер. с англ. А. В. Хачояна. - М. : Бином. Лаборатория знаний, 2007. - 202 с.


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В увлекательной форме рассказывается о 10 величайших открытиях двадцатого столетия расширяющейся вселенной, распространении света, квантовой механике, блуждании континентов, теории большого взрыва, теореме о неполноте, геноме человека, открытиях антропологов, искусственном интеллекте, бессознательном.

Великий Вибух -- квантова механіка -- теорема Геделя

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Фізика   

Брейтот, Джим.
101 ключевая идея: физика [Електронний ресурс] / Джим Брейтот. - М. : ФАИР-Пресс, 2001. - 256 с.. - (Грандиозный мир)


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Цель книги - доступным и увлекательным способом познакомить читателя с физикой, привлечь внимание к знакомым предметам, раскрыть их незнакомые стороны. Здесь объясняется 101 ключевая идея великой науки, расширяющей наши знания о мире. Факты и основные понятия физики изложены так, что развивают любознательность, помогают преодолеть косность рутинного мышления, обостряют интерес к вещам, не затрагивающим нашего существования, но без которых это существование уже не мыслится; а где есть интерес,там есть желание новых знаний. От читателя не потребуется особой подготовки, кроме способности воспринимать и удивляться. Статьи расположены в алфавитном порядке. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, а также учащихся школ и вузов.

поняття фізики -- елементарна фізика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

50 самых значительных идей всемирной философии по 30 секунд на каждую [Електронний ресурс] / ред. Лёвер Барри. - М. : Рипол Классик, 2013. - 160 с.. - (Философские теории за 30 секунд)


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Мыслю — следовательно, существую; экзистенциализм; диалектический материализм? Метод Сократа и деконструкция? Конечно, вы знаете, что это означает. Разумеется, вы слышали обо всем этом. Однако знаете ли вы достаточно, чтобы блеснуть эрудицией за ужином в компании друзей или поразить весь бар своей искушенностью в философии? В книге «Философские теории за 30 секунд» используется революционный подход, позволяющий охватить информацию о 50 самых значимых направлениях философии. Каждая философская теория размещена на одном развороте и проиллюстрирована метафорическими рисунками. Вам предоставляется возможность обозреть представленные в сжатой форме умозаключения величайших философов и разобраться в таких сложных философских концепциях, как категорический императив Канта, — и все это без риска завершить чтение в темной комнате с компрессом на голове. Редактор Барри Лёвер — профессор философии в Университете Рутгерса, Нью Джерси. В круг его интересов входят метафизические основы науки, философия физики и сознания. Он является соавтором Джорджа Рея в книге «Значение разума» и Карла Джилетта в работе «Физикализм и его проблемы». Он опубликовал множество работ по философии квантовой теории, метафизике законов и случайностей и философии сознания.

світова філософія -- філософські ідеї -- течії філософії

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Фізика   

Dekker encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology [Electronic resource] : in 6 vol. / ed. C. I. Contescu, K. Putyera. - 2nd ed.. - London : Taylor & Francis, 2009. - 4429 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія нанонауки та нанотехнології


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Emphasizing the potential and impact of the burgeoning nanotechnology field, this six-volume encyclopedia set discusses the fundamental principles, theories, and methodologies that impact nanosystem design innovations in nanostructured materials, nanodevices, and system architectures. Unparalleled in scope and depth, it examines the properties, performance, and engineering of materials that have controllable features on the nanometer scale; new simulation tools and computational methods; and the construction, integration, and application of tools for the measurement and imaging of biological materials.

фізика -- хімія -- біологія -- нанотехнології

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Фізика   

Frampton, Paul H..
Did time begin? Will time end? Maybe the Big Bang never occurred [Electronic resource] / Paul H. Frampton. - Singapore : World Scientific, 2010. - 116 p
Переклад назви: Чи починався час? Чи закінчиться час? Можливо, великого вибуху ніколи не було


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Although everyone is familiar with the concept of time in everyday life and has probably given thought to the question of how time began, recent scientific developments in this field have not been accessible in a simple understandable form. This book is important as it presents to readers current ideas about the role of time in theoretical cosmology. Recent observational discoveries, especially that the expansion rate of the universe is accelerating, have revolutionized the understanding of the energy content of the universe. This development leads to new possibilities for the beginning and end of cosmological time. This book emphasizes the notion of entropy and describes how it is theoretically possible that the universe may end in a finite time or that time can cycle and never end. Provided here is twenty-first century scientific knowledge, written by one of the world's most eminent theoretical physicists, that will better enable the public to discuss further the fascinating idea of time. It is ideally suited also for young people considering a career in scientific research. Readership: Professional non-scientists to high school students considering a career in science.

теоретична фізика -- психологія часу -- космологія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Астрономія   

Clark, Pamela Elizabeth.
Dynamic planet: Mercury in the context of its environment [Електронний ресурс] / Pamela Elizabeth Clark. - New York : Springer, 2007. - 239 p.
Переклад назви: Динамічна планета: Меркурій в контексті його навколишнього середовища


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This book views Mercury as a whole in the context of its environment. It illustrates what we know and what we need to know, and why understanding Mercury is so crucial to our understanding of solar system origin and current processes on Earth. The book describes our current state of knowledge for Mercury and interactions between interior, exterior, and space environment which are highly dynamic and thus critical to understanding Mercury as a system.

атмосфера Меркурія -- фізика планет

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bodanis, David.
E=mc² [Electronic resource] : a biography of the world's most famous equation / David Bodanis. - 2th. ed.. - New York : Walker & Company, 2005. - 180 p
Переклад назви: E=mc²: біографія найвідомішого в світі рівняння


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Already climbing the bestseller lists-and garnering rave reviews—this "little masterpiece" sheds brilliant light on the equation that changed the world. Bodanis begins by devoting chapters to each of the equation's letters and symbols, introducing the science and scientists forming the backdrop to Einstein's discovery—from Ole Roemer's revelation that the speed of light could be measured to Michael Faraday's pioneering work on energy fields. Having demystified the equation, Bodanis explains its science and brings it to life historically, making clear the astonishing array of discoveries and consequences it made possible. It would prove to be a beacon throughout the twentieth century, important to Ernest Rutherford, who discovered the structure of the atom, Enrico Fermi, who probed the nucleus, and Lise Meitner, who finally understood how atoms could be split wide open. And it has come to inform our daily lives, governing everything from the atomic bomb to a television's cathode-ray tube to the carbon dating of prehistoric paintings.

математика -- фізика -- формула Ейнштейна -- рівняння

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Фізика   

Encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology [Electronic resource]. - Valencia : American Scientific Publisher, 2004
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Нанонауки та Нанотехнологій


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Volume 1 : Number 1. - 2004. - 875 p.

Volume 2 : Number 1. - 2004. - 918 p.

Volume 3 : Number 1. - 2004. - 944 p.

Volume 4 : Number 1. - 2004. - 966 p.

Volume 5 : Number 1. - 2004. - 894 p.

Volume 6 : Number 1. - 2004. - 905 p.

Volume 7 : Number 1. - 2004. - 942 p.

Volume 8 : Number 1. - 2004. - 903 p.

Volume 9 : Number 1. - 2004. - 961 p.

Volume 10 : Number 1. - 2004. - 780 p.

Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is the World's first encyclopedia ever published in the field of nanotechnology. The 10-volume Encyclopedia is an unprecedented single reference source that provides ideal introduction and overview of most recent advances and emerging new aspects of nanotechnology spanning from science to engineering to medicine. Although there are many books/handbook and journals focused on nanotechnology, no encyclopedic reference work has been published covering all aspects of nanoscale science and technology dealing with materials synthesis, processing, fabrication, probes, spectroscopy, physical properties, electronics, optics, mechanics, biotechnology, devices, etc. The Encyclopedia fills this gap to provide basic information on all fundamental and applied aspects of nanotechnology by drawing on two decades of pioneering research. It is the only scientific work of its kind since the beginning of the field of nanotechnology bringing together core knowledge and the very latest advances. It is written for all levels audience that allows non-scientists to understand the nanotechnology while providing up-to-date latest information to active scientists to experts in the field. This outstanding encyclopedia is an indispensable source for research professionals, technology investors and developers seeking the most up-to-date information on the nanotechnology among a wide range of disciplines from science to engineering to medicine.

нанотехнології -- фізика -- хімія

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

House, J. E.
Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry [Electronic resource] / J. E. House. - 2nd. ed.. - Amsterdam : Elsevier academic press, 2004. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Основи квантової хімії


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James House's revised Principles of Chemical Kinetics provides a clear and logical description of chemical kinetics in a manner unlike any other book of its kind. Clearly written with detailed derivations, the text allows students to move rapidly from theoretical concepts of rates of reaction to concrete applications. Unlike other texts, House presents a balanced treatment of kinetic reactions in gas, solution, and solid states. The entire text has been revised and includes many new sections and an additional chapter on applications of kinetics. The topics covered include quantitative relationships between molecular structure and chemical activity, organic/inorganic chemistry, biochemical kinetics, surface kinetics and reaction mechanisms. Chapters also include new problems, with answers to selected questions, to test the reader's understanding of each area. A solutions manual with answers to all questions is available for instructors. A useful text for both students and interested readers alike, Dr. House has once again written a comprehensive text simply explaining an otherwise complicated subject.

Рівняння Шредінгера -- квантова хімія

   Тип видання:   довідник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Handbook of Chemistry and Physics [Electronic resource] / D. R. Lide. - 85th. ed.. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2004-2005. - 2661 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник з хімії та фізики


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Mirroring the growth and direction of science for nearly a century, the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, now in its 90th edition, adds several new tables that will be among the most accessed in the world. These include Structure and Functions of Common Drugs, Solubility Parameters of Polymers, Major World Earthquakes, and Equilibrium Constants of Selected Enzyme Reactions. It adds major updates to several more, including Threshold Limits for Airborne Contaminants, Mass Spectral Peaks of Common Organic Solvents, and Properties of the Solar System. It also adds a table of the Handbook’s greatest fans: Nobel Laureates in Chemistry and Physics.

хімія -- фізика

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Cook, D. B.
Handbook of Computational Quantum Chemistry [Electronic resource] / D. B. Cook. - Oxford : Oxford university press, 1998. - 767 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник обчислювальної квантової хімії


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Quantum chemistry forms the basis of molecular modeling, a tool widely used to obtain important chemical information and visual images of molecular systems. Recent advances in computing have resulted in considerable developments in molecular modeling, and these developments have led to significant achievements in the design and synthesis of drugs and catalysts. This comprehensive text provides upper-level undergraduates and graduate students with an introduction to the implementation of quantum ideas in molecular modeling, exploring practical applications alongside theoretical explanations. Written in a straightforward and accessible manner, this Handbook of Computational Quantum Chemistry encompasses such topics as the Hartree-Fock method; matrix SCF equations; the implementation of the closed-shell case; and an introduction to molecular integrals that extends to their implementation. Other topics and subtopics include open shells; population analysis; molecular symmetry and symmetry orbital transformations; linear multi-determinant methods; core potentials; time-dependent perturbations; density functional theory; and implementation of the Kohn-Sham equations. The text concludes with helpful suggestions for additional reading.

квантова хімія

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Bowen, D. K.
High Resolution X-ray Diffractometry and Topography [Electronic resource] / D. K. Bowen, B. K. Tanner. - London : Taylor & Francis, 1998. - 267 p.
Переклад назви: Висока роздільна здатність рентгенівської дифрактометрії та топографії


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The study and application of electronic materials has created an increasing demand for sophisticated and reliable techniques for examining and characterizing these materials. This comprehensive book looks at the area of x-ray diffraction and the modern techniques available for deployment in research, development, and production. It provides the theoretical and practical background for applying these techniques in scientific and industrial materials characterization. The main aim of the book is to map the theoretical and practical background necessary to the study of single crystal materials by means of high-resolution x-ray diffraction and topography. It combines mathematical formalisms with graphical explanations and hands-on practical advice for interpreting data.

промені -- фізика -- топографія

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Dyall, K. G.
Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Chemistry [Electronic resource] / K. G. Dyall, K. Faegri, Jr.. - Oxford : Oxford university press, 2007. - 545 p.
Переклад назви: Вступ до відносної квантової хімії


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This book provides an introduction to the essentials of relativistic effects in quantum chemistry, and a reference work that collects all the major developments in this field. It is designed for the graduate student and the computational chemist with a good background in nonrelativistic theory. In addition to explaining the necessary theory in detail, at a level that the non-expert and the student should readily be able to follow, the book discusses the implementation of the theory and practicalities of its use in calculations. After a brief introduction to classical relativity and electromagnetism, the Dirac equation is presented, and its symmetry, atomic solutions, and interpretation are explored. Four-component molecular methods are then developed: self-consistent field theory and the use of basis sets, double-group and time-reversal symmetry, correlation methods, molecular properties, and an overview of relativistic density functional theory. The emphases in this section are on the basics of relativistic theory and how relativistic theory differs from nonrelativistic theory. Approximate methods are treated next, starting with spin separation in the Dirac equation, and proceeding to the Foldy-Wouthuysen, Douglas-Kroll, and related transformations, Breit-Pauli and direct perturbation theory, regular approximations, matrix approximations, and pseudopotential and model potential methods. For each of these approximations, one-electron operators and many-electron methods are developed, spin-free and spin-orbit operators are presented, and the calculation of electric and magnetic properties is discussed. The treatment of spin-orbit effects with correlation rounds off the presentationof approximate methods. The book concludes with a discussion of the qualitative changes in the picture of structure and bonding that arise from the inclusion of relativity.

квантова хімія

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Klaus, A.
On-Line LC–NMR and Related Techniques [Electronic resource] / Klaus Albert. - New York : Wiley & Sons, 2002. - 307 p.
Переклад назви: Рідинна хроматографія ядерного магнітного резонансу та подібні техніки


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This book gives a comprehensive overview of the basis and the current applications of LC-NMR and related techniques. It deals with the practical aspects of the hardware and software set-up for a successful performance of on-line coupling experiments. It covers the solution of real-word problems from the fields of biomedical, pharmaceutical and environmental studies as well as the analysis of natural products and polymeric compounds. Thus guidelines for an efficient application of the powerful hyphenated technique LC-NMR in combination with LC-MS are presented. Besides LC-NMR, important techniques such as the on-line coupling of gel permeation chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography, together with 1H NMR spectroscopy, are described in detail. Fascinating further aspects, such as the application of capillary separation techniques either in the single or parallel detection mode, together with the possibilities of direct 13C monitoring of chromatographic events, are also discussed. Key features include: * Up-to-date information on the theoretical and experimental methodology * Coverage of applications in biomedical, pharmaceutical and natural product analysis, as well as environmental polymer and related hyphenated techniques * Information appropriate for researchers in organic, pharmaceutical and medical chemistry Overall, this book is a requirement for all researchers and staff members dealing with structure elucidation problems in separation science.

хімія -- фізика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Владимиров, В. С.
P-адический анализ и математическая физика [Електронний ресурс] / В. С. Владимиров. - М. : Физматлит, 1994. - 352 с.


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Впервые в отечественной литературе излагаются результаты исследований по использованию р-адического анализа в теоретической и математической физике. Дается введение в теорию р-адических чисел и неархимедову геометрию, приводится большое число результатов по интегральному исчислению, теории обобщенных функций и псевдодифференциальных операторов над полем р-адических чисел. Излагаются элементы классической и квантовой механики над полем р-адических чисел, включая спектральную теорию квантового р-адического гармонического осциллятора. Описаны применения р-адического анализа к квантовой теории поля, теории струн, квантовым группам, теории случайных процессов.

аналітична функція -- інтеграл Гауса -- узагальнена функція

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Neurath, Otto.
Philosophical Papers 1913-1946 [Electronic resource] : translation from german / Otto Neurath ; ed. Robert S. Cohen, Marie Neurath. - Dordrecht : D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1983. - 268 p.
Переклад назви: Філософські записи 1913 - 1946


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

австрійська філософія -- фізикалізм

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Atkins, P.
Physical Chemistry [Electronic resource] / P. Atkins, Trapp. - 7th ed.. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004. - 480 p.
Переклад назви: Фізична хімія


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Useful for achieving a chemistry degree, this title aims to offer a judicious choice of topics and a careful exposition of maths

хімія -- фізика

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Hayward, D. O.
Quantum Mechanics for chemists [Electronic resource] / D. O. Hayward. - Cambridge : Royal society of chemistry, 2002. - 196 p.


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Quantum Mechanics for Chemists is designed to provide chemistry undergraduates with a basic understanding of the principles of quantum mechanics. The text assumes some knowledge of chemical bonding and a familiarity with the qualitative aspects of molecular orbitals in molecules such as butadiene and benzene. Thus it is intended to follow a basic course in organic and/or inorganic chemistry. The approach is rather different from that adopted in most books on quantum chemistry in that the Schrodinger wave equation is introduced at a fairly late stage, after students have become familiar with the application of de Broglie-type wavefunctions to free particles and particles in a box. Likewise, the Hamiltonian operator and the concept of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are not introduced until the last two chapters of the book, where approximate solutions to the wave equation for many-electron atoms and molecules are discussed. In this way, students receive a gradual introduction to the basic concepts of quantum mechanics. Ideal for the needs of undergraduate chemistry students, Tutorial Chemistry Texts is a major series consisting of short, single topic or modular texts concentrating on the fundamental areas of chemistry taught in undergraduate science courses. Each book provides a concise account of the basic principles underlying a given subject, embodying an independent-learning philosophy and including worked examples.

квантова механіка -- хімія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Braunstein, S. L.
Scalable Quantum Computers [Electronic resource] : paving the way to realization / S. L. Braunstein, H. K. Lo, P. Kok. - New York : Wiley-VCH, 2001. - 368 p.
Переклад назви: Масштабовані квантові комп'ютери: прокладаючи шлях до реалізації


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Quantum computers hold the promise of solving problems that would otherwise be intractable with conventional computers. Some prototypes of the simplest elements needed to build a quantum computer have already been implemented in the laboratory. The efforts now concentrate on combining these elements into scalable systems. In addition, alternative routes to creating large scale quantum computers are continuously being developed.


   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Science of everyday things [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / N. Schlager, J. Knight. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2002
Переклад назви: Наука щоденних речей


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Vol. 1 : Real-Life Chemistry. - 375 p.

Vol. 2 : Real-Life Physics. - 365 p.

Vol. 3 : Real-Life Biology. - 396 p.

Vol. 4 : Real-Life Earth Science. - 481 p.

Welcome to Science of Everyday Things. Our aim is to explain how scientific phenomena can be understood by observing common, real-world events. From luminescence to echolocation to buoyancy, the series will illustrate the chief principles that underlay these phenomena and explore their application in everyday life. To encourage cross-disciplinary study, the entries will draw on applications from a wide variety of fields and endeavors. Science of Everyday Things initially comprises four volumes:

фізика -- біологія -- хімія

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