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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Donck, Adriaen van der.
A Description of New Netherland [Electronic resource] / Adriaen van der Donck. - Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2010. - 204 p.. - (The Iroquoians and Their World)
Переклад назви: Опис Нових Нідерландів


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This edition of A Description of New Netherland provides the first complete and accurate English-language translation of an essential first-hand account of the lives and world of Dutch colonists and northeastern Native communities in the seventeenth century. Adriaen van der Donck, a graduate of Leiden University in the 1640s, became the law enforcement officer for the Dutch patroonship of Rensselaerswijck, located along the upper Hudson River. His position enabled him to interact extensively with Dutch colonists and the local Algonquians and Iroquoians. An astute observer, detailed recorder, and accessible writer, Van der Donck was ideally situated to write about his experiences and the natural and cultural worlds around him.

колонізація Америки -- американські тубільці -- ірокези

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Johnson, T. R.
A Good Quarrel [Electronic resource] : america's Top Legal Reporters Share Stories from Inside the Supreme Court / T. R. Johnson, J. Goldman. - Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, 2009. - 195 p.
Переклад назви: Добра сварка: кращі правові американські репортери поширюють історії зсередини Верховного суду


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The country's top legal reporters comment on and analyze some of the most important oral arguments in recent court history

суд -- коментарі

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Thompson, Margo.
American Graffiti [Electronic resource] / M. Thompson. - New York : Parkstone international, 2009. - 255 p
Переклад назви: Американські графіті

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This book gives a new analysis of the intersections between graffiti art and the work of Basquiat. Not only are there few existent writings on the subject, but the book will also appeal to a very large public.

культура -- мистецтво

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Kusmer, Kenneth L..
Down & out, on the road [Electronic resource] : the homeless in American history / Kenneth L. Kusmer. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. - 345 p
Переклад назви: На узбіччі: бездомні в американській історії


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Covering the entire period from the colonial era to the late twentieth century, this book is the first scholarly history of the homeless in America. Drawing on sources that include records of charitable organizations, sociological studies, and numerous memoirs of formerly homeless persons, Kusmer demonstrates that the homeless have been a significant presence on the American scene for over two hundred years. He probes the history of homelessness from a variety of angles, showing why people become homeless; how charities and public authorities dealt with this social problem; and the diverse ways in which different class, ethnic, and racial groups perceived and responded to homelessness. Kusmer demonstrates that, despite the common perception of the homeless as a deviant group, they have always had much in common with the average American. Focusing on the millions who suffered downward mobility, Down and Out, On the Road provides a unique view of the evolution of American society and raises disturbing questions about the repeated failure to face and solve the problem of homelessness.

Америка -- соціальна історія -- бездомні

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Grumet, Robert Steven.
First Manhattans : a brief history of the Munsee Indians [Electronic resource] / R. S. Grumet. - Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 2011. - 288 p.
Переклад назви: Перші мешканці Мангеттена: коротка історія індіанців мансі


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Once, and not all that long ago, Manhattan was Indian country, as it had been for thousands of years. Today, most people tracing descent to the first Manhattans live scattered along the many trails leading into their exile on small reservations in Ontario, Wisconsin, and Oklahoma. Four centuries ago, when Europeans like Henry Hudson began sailing to their shores, Manhattans and their kin held sole, sovereign sway over a homeland that took in a broad swath of the Mid-Atlantic seaboard. It stretched from Manhattan to the nearby mainland and adjacent parts of Long Island and the Jersey shore, across meadows and pine barrens along the coastal plain, and inland through forest-covered valleys. Above them rose ascending tiers of ridges extending from the Palisades, Ramapos, Hudson Highlands, Kittatinys, Shawangunks, and Taconics to the high peaks and plateaus of the Berkshire, Catskill, and Pocono uplands. Then as now, winds constantly blew moisture-laden storm clouds over these front ranges of the Appalachians, a mountain chain that runs like a spine across eastern North America from Acadia to Alabama.

етнологія -- антропологія -- аборигени Америки -- тубільці

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Vile, J. R.
Great American Judges [Electronic resource] : an Encyclopedia / J. R. Vile. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2003
Переклад назви: Великі американські судді


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Vol. 1 : A-K. - 981 p.

Great American Judges profiles 100 outstanding judges and justices in a full sweep of U.S. history. Chosen by lawyers, historians, and political scientists, these men and women laid the foundation of U.S. law. A complement to Great American Lawyers, together these two volumes create a complete picture of our nation's top legal minds from colonial times to today. Following an introduction on the role of judges in American history are A-Z biographical entries portraying this diverse group from extraordinarily different backgrounds. Students and history enthusiasts will appreciate the accomplishments of these role models and the connections between their inspiring lives and their far-reaching legal decisions. William Rehnquist, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., and 12 other Supreme Court justices are found alongside federal judges like Skelly Wright, who ordered school desegregation in 1960. Influential state judges such as Rose Elizabeth Bird, California's first woman Supreme Court Chief Justice, are also featured.

суддя -- закон

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Tomlins, C. L.
Law, Labor, and Ideology in the Early American Republic [Electronic resource] / C. L. Tomlins. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1993. - 406 p.
Переклад назви: Закон, праця та ідеологія в ранній Американській республіці


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Law, Labor, and Ideology in the Early American Republic is a fundamental reinterpretation of law and politics in America between 1790 and 1850, the crucial period of the Republic's early growth and its movement toward industrialism. The book is the most detailed study yet available of the intellectual and institutional processes that created the foundation categories framing all the basic legal relationships involving working people at work. But it also brings out the political and social significance of those categories, and of law's role in their creation. Tomlins argues that it is impossible to understand outcomes in the interaction between law and labor during the early Republic unless one also understands the preeminence that legal discourse was assuming at the time in American society as a whole, and the particular social and political reasons for that preeminence. Because of the breadth and novelty of its interpretation this is a book not just for those interested in the history of law or the history of labor, but for anyone interested in the broad stream of American political and social history.

законодавство -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Our children, their children [Electronic resource] : confronting racial and ethnic differences in American juvenile justice / ed. D. F. Hawkins, K. Kempf-Leonard. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2005. - 459 p.
Переклад назви: Наші діти, їхні діти: боротьба расових і етнічних відмінностей в американській ювенальної юстиції


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In Our Children, Their Children, a prominent team of researchers argues that a second-rate and increasingly punitive juvenile justice system is allowed to persist because most people believe it is designed for children in other ethnic and socioeconomic groups. While public opinion, laws, and social policies that convey distinctions between "our children" and "their children" may seem to conflict with the American ideal of blind justice, they are hardly at odds with patterns of group differentiation and inequality that have characterized much of American history. Our Children, Their Children provides a state-of-the-science examination of racial and ethnic disparities in the American juvenile justice system. Here, contributors document the precise magnitude of these disparities, seek to determine their causes, and propose potential solutions. In addition to race and ethnicity, contributors also look at the effects on juvenile justice of suburban sprawl, the impact of family and neighborhood, bias in postarrest decisions, and mental health issues. Assessing the implications of these differences for public policy initiatives and legal reforms, this volume is the first critical summary of what is known and unknown in this important area of social research.

дитина -- ювенальна юстиція

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Pfeiler, M.
Sounds of poetry [Electronic resource] : contemporary American performance poets / M. Pfeiler. - Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag, 2003. - 167 p
Переклад назви: Звуки поезії: сучасні американські поети-перформери


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This book is based on my M.A. thesis of the same title, which was handed in at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, Austria, in May 2001. Parts of the book were revised in 2002 at the University of Dortmund, Germany, where I taught a proseminar on contemporary American performance poetry. Thanks are due to my students, who not only engaged in stimulating discussions on many parts of this book, but also took part in a poetry jam at the ‘Subrosa’ in Dortmund, where students and local poets from Dortmund and guest students from the USA experienced poetry as a social and cultural event.

американська поезія -- перформанс -- сучасне мистецтво -- звукова поезія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Leavelle, Tracy Neal.
The catholic calumet [Electronic resource] : colonial conversions in French and Indian North America / Tracy Neal Leavelle. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014. - 264 p.. - (Early American studies)
Переклад назви: Католицька трубка миру: колоніальні перетворення у французькій та індійській Північній Америці


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In 1730 a delegation of Illinois Indians arrived in the French colonial capital of New Orleans. An Illinois leader presented two ceremonial pipes, or calumets, to the governor. One calumet represented the diplomatic alliance between the two men and the other symbolized their shared attachment to Catholicism. The priest who documented this exchange also reported with excitement how the Illinois recited prayers and sang hymns in their Native language, a display that astonished the residents of New Orleans. The "Catholic" calumet and the Native-language prayers and hymns were the product of long encounters between the Illinois and Jesuit missionaries, men who were themselves transformed by these sometimes intense spiritual experiences. The conversions of people, communities, and cultural practices that led to this dramatic episode all occurred in a rapidly evolving and always contested colonial context. In The Catholic Calumet, historian Tracy Neal Leavelle examines interactions between Jesuits and Algonquian-speaking peoples of the upper Great Lakes and Illinois country, including the Illinois and Ottawas, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Leavelle abandons singular definitions of conversion that depend on the idealized elevation of colonial subjects from "savages" to "Christians" for more dynamic concepts that explain the changes that all participants experienced. A series of thematic chapters on topics such as myth and historical memory, understandings of human nature, the creation of colonial landscapes, translation of religious texts into Native languages, and the influence of gender and generational differences demonstrates that these encounters resulted in the emergence of complicated and unstable cross-cultural religious practices that opened new spaces for cultural creativity and mutual adaptation.

католицька церква -- колоніалізм -- месіанство -- тубільці -- Америка

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Brenner, Aaron.
The encyclopedia of Strikes in American History [Electronic resource] / Aaron Brenner, Brenner Day, Immanuel Ness. - Armonk : M.E.Sharpe, 2009. - 793 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія страйків в американській історії


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Strikes have been part of American labor relations from colonial days to the present, reflecting the widespread class conflict that has run throughout the nation's history. Against employers and their goons, against the police, the National Guard, local, state, and national officials, against racist vigilantes, against their union leaders, and against each other, American workers have walked off the job for higher wages, better benefits, bargaining rights, legislation, job control, and just plain dignity. At times, their actions have motivated groundbreaking legislation, defining new rights for all citizens; at other times they have led to loss of workers' lives. This comprehensive encyclopedia is the first detailed collection of historical research on strikes in America. To provide the analytical tools for understanding strikes, the volume includes two types of essays - those focused on an industry or economic sector, and those focused on a theme. Each industry essay introduces a group of workers and their employers and places them in their economic, political, and community contexts. The essay then describes the industry's various strikes, including the main issues involved and outcomes achieved, and assesses the impact of the strikes on the industry over time. Thematic essays address questions that can only be answered by looking at a variety of strikes across industries, groups of workers, and time, such as, why the number of strikes has declined since the 1970s, or why there was a strike wave in 1946. The contributors include historians, sociologists, anthropologists, and philosophers, as well as current and past activists from unions and other social movement organizations. Photos, a Topic Finder, a bibliography, and name and subject indexes add to the works appeal.

історія -- страйки -- Америка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

McEwan, Gordon F..
The Incas [Electronic resource] : new perspectives / G. F. McEwan. - Cremona : ABC-Clio, 2006. - 284 p.. - (ABC-CLIO’s understanding ancient civilizations)
Переклад назви: Інки: нові перспективи


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The empire of the Incas was the greatest native state ever to appear in the Americas. Overcoming the seemingly impossible obstacles of their environment and limitations of technology, the Incas created one of the world’s most unusual civilizations. Their achievements have fascinated the world for close to five centuries, since the culture’s discovery by the Spanish. I first encountered the realm of the Incas in 1964 on a visit to Peru and have been studying and learning about them ever since. I am one of the very few foreign archaeologists who have been privileged to work on the Inca legacy in Cuzco, and my studies have primarily focused on discovering who the Incas were and where they came from. I have spent my career examining this question in terms of their intellectual and cultural inheritance as well as their physical and geographic origins. In this volume I have tried to present a fairly concise overview of the Incas that will be readily accessible to the average reader. There are few introductory textbooks on the Incas, and I hope that this effort will serve to fill that gap. I have drawn on many of the traditional ethnohistorical sources and tried to integrate archaeological knowledge wherever possible to provide a readily accessible synthesis. While this volume is not and should not be taken as the last word on the Incas, I hope that it will provide an introduction to the topic and guidance on where to look for detailed and comprehensive studies on individual aspects of Inca society and history.

Америка -- тубільці -- автентична культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

McCall, Leslie.
The Undeserving Rich [Electronic resource] : american beliefs about inequality, opportunity, and redistribution / Leslie McCall. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2013. - 320 p
Переклад назви: Негідні багатсва : Американські уявлення про нерівність, можливостей і перерозподілу.


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It is widely assumed that Americans care little about income inequality, believe opportunities abound, admire the rich, and dislike redistributive policies. Leslie McCall contends that such assumptions are based on both incomplete survey data and economic conditions of the past and not present. In fact, Americans have desired less inequality for decades, and McCall's book explains why. Americans become most concerned about inequality in times of inequitable growth, when they view the rich as prospering while opportunities for good jobs, fair pay, and high quality education are restricted for everyone else. As a result, they favor policies to expand opportunity and redistribute earnings in the workplace, reducing inequality in the market rather than redistributing income after the fact with tax and spending policies. This book resolves the paradox of how Americans can express little enthusiasm for welfare state policies and still yearn for a more equitable society and forwards a new model of preferences about income inequality rooted in labor market opportunities rather than welfare state policies

політика -- економіка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Ehle, John.
Trail of Tears [Electronic resource] : the rise and fall of the Cherokee Nation / John Ehle. - London : Anglo-European Publishers, 1997. - 129 p
Переклад назви: Стежка сліз: злет і падіння народу черокі


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The fascinating portrayal of the Cherokee nation, filled with Native American legend, lore, and religion -- a gripping American drama of power, politics, betrayal, and ambition

американські тубільці -- індіанці -- колонізація -- резервація

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Berhow, M.
US strategic and defensive missile systems 1950-2004 [Electronic resource] / M. Berhow. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2005. - 64 p.. - (Fortress)
Переклад назви: Американські стратегічні і захисні ракетні системи 1950-2004


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For 40 years following the end of World War II, the Western democratic governments and the Eastern Bloc Communist powers were locked in the ideological, political, and economic struggle of the Cold War. The United States and the Soviet Union developed missile systems capable of delivering conventional and nuclear explosives against enemy massed bomber formations in the air, and of delivering retaliatory nuclear payloads against ground targets located on distant continents. The missile systems played both a defensive role, and a potential offensive role, which was parlayed to the public as deterrence against attack by the rival bloc. This title provides a detailed overview of the fixed-launch-site strategic missile systems of the United States.

бомбардування -- ракетний комплекс -- ядерний вибух

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Уайт, Д. М.
Индейцы Северной Америки: быт, религия, культура [Електронний ресурс] / Д. М. Уайт. - М. : Центрполиграф, 2006. - 430 с.


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Джон Мэнчип Уайт, известный историк, подробно описывает быт и обычаи племен североамериканских индейцев. Вы проследите нелегкий путь их кочевья, узнаете о том, как они охотились и возделывали землю, обучали и воспитывали детей, навсегда прощались с сородичами. Книга Уайта – неисчерпаемый источник для изучения культурного наследия народа, который, несмотря на все трудности, сумел сохранить свое национальное своеобразие.

індіанці -- тубільці -- народ -- країна

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Кенделл, Э.
Инки: быт, культура, религия [Електронний ресурс] / Э. Кенделл. - М. : Центрполиграф, 2005


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В книге Э.Кенделл «Инки» много места уделено быту, религии и структуре общественного устройства. На основе отчетов археологических экспедиций, используя богатый фольклор и записи испанских завоевателей, автор воссоздает образ жизни и культуру жителей огромной империи. Вы познакомитесь с уникальными принципами планировки, по которым талантливые зодчие этого древнего народа создавали города, строили дворцы и храмы.

інки -- тубільці -- культура -- побут

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Боден, Л.
Инки: быт, культура, религия [Електронний ресурс] / Л. Боден. - М. : Центрполиграф, 2004


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Книга рассказывает о жизни инков – народа, населявшего территорию современного Перу. Автор подробно описывает повседневную жизнь инков во всем ее многообразии, опираясь на данные археологических раскопок, богатый фольклор, легенды и записи испанских завоевателей.

інки -- тубільці -- культура -- побут

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Нитобург, Эдуард Львович.
Негры США (XVII - начало XX в.) [Електронний ресурс] : историко-этнографический очерк / Э. Л. Нитобург ; Академия наук СССР, Институт этнографии им. Н. Н. Миклухо-Маклая. - М. : Наука, 1979. - 296 с.


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Автор освещает одну из острейших проблем развития североамериканской нации — негритянскую проблему в США — и показывает, как африканцы постепенно становились афроамериканцами, как менялся их антропологический тип, происходила ассимиляция; исследует, как складывались семейно-брачные отношения и в каком направлении развивалось этнорасовое самосознание американских негров; анализирует основные течения в негритянском движении.

американські негри -- афроамериканці -- рабовласництво -- сегрегація -- аболіціонізм

   Тип видання:   монографія   
Категорія: Релігія   

Религиозные традиции мира [Електронний ресурс] : в 2 т. : пер. с англ. / сост. Б. Эрхардт. - М. : КРОН-Пресс, 1996


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Т. 1. - 576 с.

Т. 2. - 640 с.

Впервые переведенная на русский язык книга объединила 10 самостоятельных монографий, содержащих богатейший материал, посвященный различным религиям, как далеким и совершенно непохожим, так и близким и связанным друг с другом по времени существования, ареалу распространения и культовым формам. Это подробный справочник для ознакомления с религиозными традициями, начиная с обрядов африканских племен зулу и йоруба и заканчивая христианством и буддизмом. Книга может служить учебным пособием для преподавателей, студентов и школьников, занимающихся изучением религий мира, а также рекомендуется широкому кругу читателей.

релігія -- культи -- американські племена

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