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   Тип видання:   підручник   

Samad, T.
A natural language interface for computer aided design [Electronic resource] / T. Samad. - Norwell : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1986. - 188 p.
Переклад назви: Інтерфейси природної мови для автоматизованого проектування


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Sobell, M. G.
A Practical Guide to UNIX for Mac OS X Users [Electronic resource] / M. G. Sobell, P. Seebach. - Saddle River : Prentice Hall, 2005. - 1056 p.
Переклад назви: Практичний посібник з UNIX для користувачів Mac OS X


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The Most Useful UNIX Guide for Mac OS X Users Ever, with Hundreds of High-Quality Examples! Beneath Mac OS® X's stunning graphical user interface (GUI) is the most powerful operating system ever created: UNIX®. With unmatched clarity and insight, this book explains UNIX for the Mac OS X usergiving you total control over your system, so you can get more done, faster. Building on Mark Sobell's highly praised A Practical Guide to the UNIX System, it delivers comprehensive guidance on the UNIX command line tools every user, administrator, and developer needs to mastertogether with the world's best day-to-day UNIX reference. This book is packed with hundreds of high-quality examples. From networking and system utilities to shells and programming, this is UNIX from the ground upboth the "whys" and the "hows"for every Mac user. You'll understand the relationships between GUI tools and their command line counterparts. Need instant answers? Don't bother with confusing online "manual pages": rely on this book's example-rich, quick-access, 236-page command reference!

операційна система -- інтерфейс

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Roman, S.
Access Database design & programming [Electronic resource] / S. Roman. - 3rd. ed.. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2002. - 448 p.


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When using GUI-based software, we often focus so much on the interface that we forget about the general concepts required to use the software effectively. Access Database Design & Programming takes you behind the details of the interface, focusing on the general knowledge necessary for Access power users or developers to create effective database applications. The main sections of this book include: database design, queries, and programming.

проектування баз даних -- деталь інтерфейсу

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Bai, Y.
Applications interface programming using multiple languages [Electronic resource] : a Windows programmer's guide / Y. Bai. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. - 864 p
Переклад назви: Інтерфейс програмування додатків з використанням декількох мов: довідник програміста Windows


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Applications Interface Programming Using Multiple Languages is a comprehensive, hands-on, and practical guide to interface programming between multiple languages. Today, as computer technology develops rapidly, a single programming language sometimes is not enough to handle complicated, real-world implementations. Each language has its strong and weak points and it is very difficult to find one language to satisfy all applications requirements. Mixed-language programming, or interface programming between multiple languages, has emerged to meet the needs of complicated applications and implementations in scientific research, industrial controls, and manufacturing, as well as in commercial applications. Using interface programming, professional Graphic User Interfaces, flexible databases, multitask environments, and real-time controllability can be integrated to form an optimal computer system that can complete challenging applications tasks.

комп'ютер -- мова програмування -- програмний продукт

   Тип видання:   довідник   

AutoCAD 2007. Справочник команд [Електронний ресурс]. - М. : Autodesk, 2006. - 310 с.


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Глава 1. Основные принципы настройки. Глава 2. Настройка типов линий. Глава 3. Пользовательские образцы штриховки. Глава 4. Настройка интерфейса пользователя. Глава 5. DIESEL. Глава 6. Слайды и командные сценарии. Глава 7. Введение в интерфейсы программирования. Глава 8. Формы и шрифты. Указатель.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Jerke, N.
Building database driven Flash applications [Electronic resource] / N. Jerke, D. Beard. - New York : Apress, 2004. - 422 p.
Переклад назви: Побудова додатків Flash на основі баз даних


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This text provides techniques to build better, richer Web applications, including hands-on examples that integrate Flash interfaces with database data.

інтеграція Flash -- Flash інтерфейс

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Blanchette, J.
C++ GUI programming with Qt 3 [Electronic resource] / J. Blanchette, M. Summerfield. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. - 464 p
Переклад назви: C++ GUI програмування з Qt 3


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The book is divided into two parts. Part I covers all the concepts and practices necessary for programming GUI applications using Qt. Knowledge of this part alone is sufficient to write useful GUI applications. Part II covers central Qt topics in more depth and provides more specialized and advanced material. The chapters of Part II can be read in any order, but they assume familiarity with the contents of Part I.

програмування -- графічний інтерфейс -- додаток

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Blanchette, J.
C++ GUI programming with Qt 4 [Electronic resource] / J. Blanchette, M. Summerfield. - Boston : Prentice Hall, 2006. - 560 p.


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Using Trolltech's Qt you can build industrial-strength C++ applications that run natively on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and embedded Linux--without making source code changes. With this book Trolltech insiders have written a start-to-finish guide to getting great results with the most powerful version of Qt ever created: Qt 4.1. Using C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 you'll discover the most effective Qt 4 programming patterns and techniques as you master key technologies ranging from Qt's model/view architecture to Qt's powerful new 2D paint engine. The authors provide readers with unparalleled insight into Qt's event model and layout system. Then, using realistic examples, they introduce superior techniques for everything from basic GUI development to advanced database and XML integration.

графічний інтерфейс -- програмування моделей

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Кривченко, Т. И.
CAN - Controller Area Network [Електронний ресурс] / Т. И. Кривченко. - [Б. м. : б. в.]


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Физическая среда передачи данных CAN-интерфейса, характеристики приемопередатчиков, разводка разъемов, свойства кабелей, топология сети не оговариваются CAN спецификацией BOSCH v.2.0 A/B. Физический уровень является предметом различных интернациональных, национальных, промышленных и даже внутрифирменных спецификаций. Для организации проводного соединения на CAN-шине наиболее широкое распространение получили два типа приемоперадатчиков(трансиверов): "High Speed" приемопередатчики (ISO 11898-2), "Fault Tolerant" приемопередатчики Трансиверы, выполненные в соответствии со стандартом "High-Speed" (ISO11898-2), наиболее просты, дешевы и дают возможность передавать данные со скоростью до 1 Мбит/c. "Fault-Tolerant" приемопередатчики (не чувствительные к повреждениям на шине) позволяют построить высоконадежную малопотребляющую сеть со скоростями передачи данных не выше 125 кбит/c. Для организации CAN-шины также возможно использовать такие не стандартизованные решения, как применение оптоволоконного или беспроводного соединения. Передача питания через CAN интерфейс не противоречит CAN-стандарту, но реально не используется из-за высокой стоимости передатчиков. Все перечисленные выше способы организации физической среды передачи данных должны удовлетворять набору обязательных требований, продиктованных способами арбитража и синхронизации, принятыми для САN-интерфейса.

комп’ютерна програма -- програмне забезпечення -- інтерфейс -- персональний комп’ютер -- архітектура комп'ютера

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Johnson, L.
Developing Graphical User Interfaces with FXRuby [Electronic resource] / L. Johnson. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2005
Переклад назви: Розробка графічного користувальницького інтерфейсу з FXRuby


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The primary goal of this project was (and is) to provide a complete interface to FOX from Ruby. Ruby programs should be able to access FOX classes transparently; this includes deriving new Ruby classes from FOX classes and overriding their virtual functions. This goal has been met pretty well at this point although there are undoubtedly a number of bugs waiting to be discovered. A secondary goal of the project is to promote Ruby and FOX, two great open-source projects that both deserve wider recognition. After discovering Ruby and monitoring the comp.lang.ruby newsgroup postings for only a few weeks, it became apparent that users were dissatisfied with the existing GUI options for Ruby. As with Python, Tk is the de facto standard because of its maturity and availability on a number of platforms (including the Macintosh). But Tk is also showing its age in many ways and it has failed to keep pace with some of the "younger" cross-platform GUI toolkits like FOX, wxWindows, FLTK, Qt and GTK+. Of the latter five, only Qt and GTK+ appeared (at the time) to have usable Ruby interfaces and there are some problems associated with these as well; for Qt, it's the restrictive license for the Windows platform version, and for GTK+ it's a Windows version that often lags far behind the standard Linux/Unix version. There is clearly a need for a modern, open-source, cross-platform GUI for Ruby, and FOX fills that need.

мова програмування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

McKay, E. N.
Developing user interfaces for Microsoft Windows [Electronic resource] / E. N. McKay. - Redmond : Microsoft Press, 1999. - 612 p.
Переклад назви: Розробка користувальницьких інтерфейсів для Microsoft Windows


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How important is user interface design? A poorly executed interface can frustrate users--and cost your organization time and money--while an effective design can improve productivity by helping users get their work done. So what makes good interfaces good and bad interfaces bad? Which design choices can improve the user's experience with a program? Emphasizing practical results over theory, this concise, Windows-focused handbook distills industry best practices and the author's 25 years of software development expertise into straightforward and effective methods you can apply right now to create more usable--user-driven--software. Book jacket.

користувацький інтерфейс -- комп'ютерна система -- програмне забезпечення -- комп'ютерний файл

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Fay, T. M.
DirectX 9 audio exposed: interactive audio development [Electronic resource] / T. M. Fay, S. Selfon, T. J. Fay. - Plano : Wordware Publishing, 2004. - 532 p.
Переклад назви: DirectX 9 Audio зсередини: інтерактивна розробка аудіо


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This text features a look into the most advanced interactive music and audio development system in history. DirectX Audio, a suite of tools and technologies allows software engineers and content creators to create interactive, adaptive audio content.

API -- інтерфейс програмування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bulka, D.
Efficient C++ Performance Programming Techniques [Electronic resource] / D. Bulka, D. Mayhew. - Boston : Addison Wesley, 1999. - 336 p.
Переклад назви: Ефективні методи програмування на С++


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The authors are developers of network and web server software for IBM. They specifically target performance issues related to C++ programming. The primary topics of discussion are constructors & destructors, virtual functions, return value optimization, temporary objects, inlining, memory managers, and reference counting. Learn how to create efficient constructor functions. Learn how to avoid the costly construction of temporary objects. The authors promote "lazy evaluation" and nail "useless computations" and "obsolete code." Algorithm and data structure discussions are referred to other standard references, however there is coverage of the STL structures (insertion, deletion, traversal, and find operations). An additional bonus is the excellent coverage of multithreading issues.

програмування -- комп'ютер -- графічний інтерфейс -- алгоритм

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Miles, B.
Forger's Win32 API Tutorial [Electronic resource] / B. Miles. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2003
Переклад назви: Підручник Форгера з Win32 API


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This tutorial attempts to get you started developing with the Win32 API as quickly and clearly as possible. It is meant to be read as a whole, so please read it from beginning to end before asking questions... most of them will probably be answered. Each section builds on the sections before it. I have also added some solutions to common errors in Appendix A. If you ask me a question that is answered on this page, you will look very silly

інтерфейс програмування -- розробка ПЗ

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Штыков, В. В.
Fortran & Win32 API [Електронний ресурс] : создание програмного интерфейса для Windows средствами современного фортрана / В. В. Штыков. - М. : Диалог-Мифи, Б. р.. - 302 с.


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Пособие является практическим руководством по программированию в среде Windows на базе современного Фортрана. Основная цель книги — помочь читателю освоить приемы создания программного интерфейса. Это наиболее слабо освещенная тема в современной литературе по Фортрану. Практические навыки приобретаются в результате поэтапного создания приложения с разнообразными элементами управления. В конечном счете читатель получает в свое распоряжение каркас приложения. Поскольку в книге фактически используется программирование на смеси языков, она будет полезна и для тех, кто программирует на языке Visial C++. Предназначена для научно-технических работников, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов вузов.

інтерфейс програмування -- розробка ПЗ

   Тип видання:   довідник   

FOX C++ Reference Documentation [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.]
Переклад назви: Довідкова документація FOX C++


 Джерело інформації

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бібліотека віджетів -- графічний інтерфейс

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Schmitt, C.
HTML5 cookbook [Electronic resource] / C. Schmitt, K. Simpson. - Beijing : O'Reilly, 2011. - 229 p.


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With scores of practical recipes you can use in your projects right away, this cookbook helps you gain hands-on experience with HTML5’s versatile collection of elements. You get clear solutions for handling issues with everything from markup semantics, web forms, and audio and video elements to related technologies such as geolocation and rich JavaScript APIs. Each informative recipe includes sample code and a detailed discussion on why and how the solution works. Perfect for intermediate to advanced web and mobile web developers, this handy book lets you choose the HTML5 features that work for you—and helps you experiment with the rest. Test browsers for HTML5 support, and use techniques for applying unsupported features Discover how HTML5 makes web form implementation much simpler

веб-інтерфейс -- програмування

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Nusselder, А.
Interface Fantasy [Electronic resource] : a Lacanian Cyborg Ontology / А. Nusselder. - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2009. - 185 p.
Переклад назви: Інтерфейс фантазії: лаканівська кіборг-онтологія


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Andre Nusselder's Interface Fantasy is a most welcome addition to Internet Studies. Although much important work has been done on cyberspace, one area that is underdeveloped is the realm of desire. Psychoanalytically inspired studies of the Internet are relatively rare. Nusselder's contribution is a good place to begin exploring this essential domain.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Tompkins, W. J.
Interfacing sensors to the IBM-PC [Electronic resource] / W. J. Tompkins, J. G. Webster. - Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall, 1987. - 400 p
Переклад назви: Взаємодія датчиків для IBM-PC


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This volume thoroughly explores all the principles and techniques necessary for connecting any type of sensor to the IBM PC or equivalent computers -- e.g., sensors, transducers, data conversion, and interface techniques.

комп'ютер -- датчик -- інтерфейс

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bergsten, Н.
JavaServer faces [Electronic resource] / Н. Bergsten. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2004. - 606 p.


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In JavaServer Faces, developers learn how to use the new JavaServer Faces framework to build real-world web applications. The book contains everything you'll need: how to construct the HTML on the front end; how to create the user interface components that connect the front end to your business objects; how to write a back-end that's JSF-friendly; and how to create the deployment descriptors that tie everything together. This book is a complete guide to the crucial new JSF technology.

програмування -- веб-додаток -- користувацький інтерфейс -- дескриптор розгортання

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