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Marriott, John.
Beyond the Tower [Electronic resource] : a history of east London / John Marriott. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2011. - 443 p
Переклад назви: Удалині від Тауера: історія східного Лондона


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

From Jewish clothing merchants to Bangladeshi curry houses, ancient docks to the 2012 Olympics, the area east of the City has always played a crucial role in London's history. The East End, as it has been known, was the home to Shakespeare's first theatre and to the early stirrings of a mass labour movement; it has also traditionally been seen as a place of darkness and despair, where Jack the Ripper committed his gruesome murders, and cholera and poverty stalked the Victorian streets. In this beautifully illustrated history of this iconic district, John Marriott draws on 25 years of research into the subject to present an authoritative and endlessly fascinating account. With the aid of copious maps, archive prints and photographs, and the words of East Londoners from 17th-century silk-weavers to Cockneys during the Blitz, he explores the relationship between the East End and the rest of London, and challenges many of the myths which surround the area.

історія -- місто -- архітектура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Marr, Phebe.
The modern history of Iraq [Electronic resource] / P. Marr. - 3rd. ed.. - Boulder : Westview Press, 2012. - 496 p
Переклад назви: Сучасна історія Іраку


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Now in its third edition, The Modern History of Iraq places in historical perspective the crises and upheavals that continue to afflict the country. The book focuses on several important themes: the search for national identity in a multiethnic, multireligious state; the struggle to achieve economic development and modernity in a traditional society; and the political dynamics that have led to the current situation. Phebe Marr draws on published sources in Arabic and English, personal interviews, and frequent visits to the country to produce a remarkably lucid and readable account of the emergence of contemporary Iraq. This edition features three new chapters that bring readers up to date on events since the U.S. invasion and give a clearer picture of the political, social, economic, and ideological consequences of the recent upheaval. Marr provides an insightful overview of the current political scene—Iraq’s new political elites; emerging figures, parties, constituencies, and support; and foreign influences. Marr also offers a uniquely penetrating analysis of Iraq’s current social and economic affairs, including the decline of the middle class, refugee displacement, the economics of oil, the status of women and ethnic groups, and the rise of sectarianism.

політика -- криза

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