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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Axelson, J.
Embedded Ethernet and Internet complete [Electronic resource] / J. Axelson. - Madison : Lakeview Research LLC, 2003. - 482 p.
Переклад назви: Вбудований Ethernet і комплексний інтернет


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Bringing together two areas of computer technology networking and embedded systems this developer's guide offers guidance and examples for each of these, with a focus on the special requirements and limits of embedded systems. Because developing an embedded system for networking requires knowledge from many areas, including circuit design, programming, network architecture, and Ethernet and Internet protocols, developers are given valuable technical information on each that can be put to use right away. Covered are the advantages and limits of using Ethernet to connect embedded systems in a local network, hardware and program code needed to connect an embedded system to an Ethernet network and the Internet, and how to build a network. Also discussed are how embedded systems can use TCP/IP and related protocols and how personal-computer applications can use the protocols to communicate with embedded systems. Developers will learn how their Web server's pages can include dynamic, real-time content and respond to user input.

комп'ютерні технології -- програмування -- апаратний засіб

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Axelson, J.
USB complete [Electronic resource] / J. Axelson. - 2th. ed.. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2001. - 514 p.
Переклад назви: Повне USB


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a fast and flexible interface for connecting devices to computers. Every new PC has at least a couple of USB ports. The interface is versatile enough to use with standard peripherals like keyboards and disk drives as well as more specialized devices, including one-of-a-kind designs. USB is designed from the ground up to be easy for end users, with no user configuring required in hardware or software.In short, USB is very different from the legacy interfaces it's replacing. A USB device may use any of four transfer types and three speeds. On attaching to a PC, a device must respond to a series of requests that enable the PC to learn about the device and establish communications with it. In the PC, every device must have a low-level driver to manage communications between applications and the system's USB drivers. Developing a USB device and the software that communicates with it requires knowing something about how USB works and how the PC's operating system implements the interface. In addition, the right choice of contrailer chip, device class, and tools and techniques can go a long way inavoiding snags and simplifying what needs to be done. This book is a guide for developers of USB devices. Its purpose is to introduce you to USB and to help get your project up and running and troublefree as quickly and easily as possible.

пристрій -- комп'ютер -- інтерфейс

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