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Kosova T. 
Financial and credit support of market-oriented management of transport engineering enterprises = Фінансово-кредитна підтримка маркет-орієнтованого управління підприємствами транспортного машинобудування / T. Kosova, S. Smerichevskyi, O. Tryfonova, O. Mykhalchenko, L. Raicheva // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2023. - № 3. - С. 164-170. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To determine the priorities of the financial and credit support of transport machine building taking into consideration the needs of the national economy, state of marketing environment, and requirements of corporate management. Methodology. The information basis of the study is represented by the statistic data formed according to the classification of economic activity types KVED-2010 in terms of section C "Processing industry", divisions 29 "Production of motor vehicles, trailers, and semitrailers" and 30 "Production of other transport means". The research methodology involves analysis of dynamics and structure of production volumes, net profit of the transport engineering enterprises, formalization of trends, evaluation of credit capacity of the industry, and marketing and financial diagnostics. Findings. Key trends in the development of the transport machine-building market within the period of 2012 - 2020 are generalized: reduction of total production volumes and identification of subindustries-drivers of its growth. Structural shifts in the national economy owing to the growing specific weight of the production of motor vehicles, trailers, semitrailers in terms of prevalence of other transport means (first of all, railway and air ones) are identified. The priorities of financial and credit support of the transport machine building are specified taking into account the needs of civil national economy (railway locomotives and rolling stock, motor vehicles, air- and spacecraft, accompanying facilities) and military economy (military vehicles). To evaluate the objects of credit support, it is proposed to use a concept of credit capacity of an enterprise as its ability of accumulating banking credits on its balances in terms of certain currencies, terms, designated purpose, interest rates etc. as well as their timely servicing and payment. Originality. The scientific and methodological foundations of determining the priorities of financial and credit programme of the transport engineering enterprises are substantiated in the context of market-oriented corporate management, whose advantages are as follows (compared with the current ones): highlighting the time lags of production crisis and after-crisis renovation in the context of industries; determining structural shifts in the field of transport machine building, and identifying the economic activity types being leaders or outsiders in the sphere of financial and credit support of the expanded reproduction on this industry; defining polarization of business entities, being different in their size, according to the financial state and solvency with the focus on competitive advantages or crisis. Practical value. Proposals as for restructuring the activities of the transport engineering enterprises are substantiated basing on marketing diagnostics of the state of their internal and external environment, threats and possibilities in terms of war time, Ukraine's getting a status of the member for the EU accession, and post-war renovation of the economy. In the framework of market-oriented management of the transport engineering enterprises, certain tendencies in the financial and credit support of their complex innovative development are substantiated.

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