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Kharsun L. 
Supply chain risks of trade companies during a large-scale crisis = Ризики ланцюгів постачання підприємств торгівлі за масштабної кризи / L. Kharsun, Yu. Kovalenko // Scientia Fructuosa. - 2022. - № 6. - С. 49-62. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

The effectiveness of modern management of business structures directly depends on the analysis of potential risks and assessment of the probability of their occurrence. Risk management tools are of particular importance in optimizing the functioning of supply chains of trade enterprises. Russia's full-scale military invasion of Ukraine significantly changes approaches to supply chains organization, requires their promptly reformatting. This necessitates an analysis of the key risks associated with the operation of martial law and the consequences of their impact on supply chains in trade. The aim of the article is to determine the nature of the risks of functioning of trading companies' supply chains under martial law and to substantiate the practical tools of logistics management aimed at minimizing losses as a result of their occurrence. The methodological apparatus of the research consists of general scientific methods (system analysis, determination of direct and reverse relations between economic phenomena and processes, comparative analysis) and special economic methods (statistical-analytical, qualitative and quantitative analysis, situational analysis). It was determined that the logistics industry was one of the first to feel the consequences of military actions and the urgent need to rebuild the established mechanisms of logistics services of trade flows. The main groups of risks that affect the operation of trade companies supply chains in war conditions have been studied, the main forms of their manifestation and consequences have been assessed. Considering the acute impact of the military invasion of Ukraine on the functioning of trading companies' supply chains, the necessity of flexible and diversified transformation of their logistics strategies has been determined. The importance of risk monitoring and the development of alternative action plans for various scenarios has been proven.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У542.10-803.1 + У9(4УКР)421.0-803.1


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