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Panchenko S. 
Defining patterns in the dynamic load and strength of the bearing structure of a covered freight car with a filler in the girder beam = Виявлення особливостей динамічної навантаженості та міцності несучої конструкції критого вагона з наповнювачем в хребтовій балці / S. Panchenko, O. Fomin, G. Vatulia, A. Lovska, O. Bahrov, D. Fedosov-Nikonov, A. Rybin // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 6/7. - С. 68-76. - Бібліогр.: 50 назв. - англ.

This paper reports a study into determining the dynamic load and strength of the bearing structure of a covered freight car under operational modes. A feature of the freight car's bearing structure is that the girder beam has a closed cross-section. To reduce the dynamic load of the frame, the girder beam is filled with a material with viscoelastic properties. Such a solution could contribute to the transformation of the kinetic energy of impact (due to jerk, stretching, compression) into work of viscoelastic friction forces, and, consequently, to reducing the load on the bearing structure. To substantiate the proposed improvement, the dynamic load on the bearing structure of a covered freight car was mathematically modeled. The calculation was performed for the case of joint impacts at shunting. The study was carried out in a flat coordinate system. It was established that the maximum accelerations acting on the bearing structure of a covered freight car were about 37 m/s<^>2. The calculated acceleration value is 3,2 % lower than that obtained for the bearing structure of a covered freight car without filler. The results of calculating the strength of the load-bearing structure of a covered freight car are given. In this case, a finite-element method was applied. The maximum equivalent stresses occur in the zones of interaction between the girder beam and the pivot beams, and amount to 319,5 MPa, which is 8 % lower than permissible. The calculation was also performed regarding other operational modes of loading the freight car's bearing structure. The model of the dynamic load on the bearing structure of a covered freight car was verified according to the F-criterion. The research reported here could contribute to designing innovative rolling stock structures, thereby improving the efficiency of their operation.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О244-02


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