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Illiash O. 
Household waste management system planning in the Poltava region / O. Illiash, Yu. Holik, N. Maksiuta // Environmental Problems. - 2021. - 6, № 4. - С. 258-263. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

The threat to ecological balance can turn into a global problem, and we observe its deviations, which arise as a result of complex relationships between natural and social environments. Direct and indirect human impact on Earth's ecosystems together and interdependently form the planet's ecosystem, resulting in changes in the social environment of a human. Today's global problems are increasingly shifting to the side of developing countries, where environmental pressure is increasing because along with "pre-industrial" pollution, a new one is emerging, related to the invasion of multinational corporations and "exports" of polluting industries to "third world" countries. Modern "industrial" pollution in developing countries is the result of the transfer of many polluting industries to the "third world", such as the construction of enterprises, chemical plants, chemicalization of agriculture. Due to this, the concentration of the population in the largest agglomerations is growing.

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