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Antiushko D. 
Physical and chemical properties of gerodietetic product for enteral nutrition = Фізико-хімічні властивості продукту для ентерального харчування геродієтичного призначення / D. Antiushko, S. Aslanyan, O. Sevastyanova // Товари і ринки. - 2022. - № 2. - С. 61-69. - Бібліогр.: 37 назв. - англ.

The current global demographic structure of the population shows a significant rate of aging in the world and in Ukraine. One of the modern means of properly meeting the nutritional needs of older people is the consumption (use) of products for enteral nutrition. The volume of the Ukrainian market of products for enteral nutrition is less than 0,5 % of the world, which requires expanding the range and volume of these products. The aim of the work is to study the physical and chemical properties of the developed in Ukraine gerodietetic product for enteral nutrition. The object of research is the developed gerodietetic dry soluble product for enteral nutrition. The control sample was a similar product Peptamen (TM Nestle, Switzerland). There were used the following methods: electron microscopy, drying, ashing, potentiometric, refractometric, pycnometric and others. The microstructure of the dry product is determined by the low bulk density and the positive effect of small particle sizes on the solubility in the liquid. The low mass fraction of moisture (3,1 %) allows to ensure its proper storage and the high ash content (2,6 %) indicates its biological value. The peroxide value of the extract of the fatty component (2,5 mmol/kg - O) indicates a low amount of unsaturated fatty acids and the freshness of the product's lipid composition. The product in liquid form, prepared in accordance with the developed recommendations, is slightly acidic and close to neutral, which maintains the normal acid-base balance of the body and a positive effect on the activity of proteins and nucleic acids. The mass fraction of dry soluble substances (15,1 %) and the solubility index (0,20 cm<^>3 of raw sludge) indicate the high solubility of the components of the product. The experimentally stablished density value (99,2 kg/m<^>3) indicates compliance with the intended functions. Conclusions: the developed gerodietetic product for enteral nutrition is characterized by proper physicochemical properties. It was experimentally confirmed that this product has better solubility in dry form and homogenous consistency and digestibility in liquid state.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: С73(4УКР)64-233 + С73(0)64-233 + У542.41 + У9(4УКР)42


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