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Cherniak L. M. 
Investigation of the influence of hyperthermia and soil pollution with the petrochemicals on test objects using the method of mathematical planning = Дослідження впливу гіпертермії та забруднення грунту нафтопродуктами на тест-об'єкти за допомогою методу математичного планування / L. M. Cherniak, R. V. Petruk, O. M. Mikhieiev, S. M. Madzhd, G. D. Petruk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 5. - С. 153-157. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To increase the efficiency of using methods for assessing the level of soil contamination by oil products against the background of the influence of other factors. Methodology. The authors consider the possibility of using bioassays to study the impact of several stressors on the test system. Based on the theory of experiment planning, a methodology for researching the influence of hyperthermia and soil contamination with kerosene on the growth parameters of test objects was developed. On the basis of the obtained experimental data, regression models were built which allow finding a numerical estimate of the impact of stress factors on changes in the characteristics of the test object. Findings. It was determined that, as a rule, in order to assess the influence of stressful factors when normalizing the assumed levels of their influence on humans and ecosystems using biotesting methods, such an assessment is carried out for individual factors. But, in the real conditions of existence of plants and organisms, they are exposed to the simultaneous influence of many factors that can interact non-additively, i.e. as antagonists or synergists. In order to increase the efficiency of the use of methods for biotesting of the level of soil contamination by oil products against the background of the influence of other factors, the authors applied one of the methods of mathematical planning of the experiment. It was concluded that the effect of one factor depends, to a certain extent, on the effect of the other factor, the effect of which was studied in the work. The fact of the non-additive effect of the factors used in the experiment makes it possible to recommend the use of test objects in the practice of monitoring the condition of soils in technogenically loaded territories previously exposed to the action of hyperthermia. Originality. The toxic effect of the petroleum product depends, to a certain extent, on the effect of hyperthermia. Pretreatment of the test objects with a hyperthermic factor in a hormesis dose had a preventive effect, increasing the resistance of the test objects to the effect of the petroleum product. Practical value. The fact of the non-additive effect of the factors used in the experiment makes it possible to recommend the use of test objects previously exposed to the action of hyperthermia for monitoring the condition of soils in technogenically loaded territories.

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