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Artyukh T. 
Identification of white jewelry alloy based on silver and platinum for testing purposes = Розробка процедури ідентифікації ювелірних сплавів білого кольору на основі срібла та платини для цілей пробірного контролю / T. Artyukh, I. Hryhorenko, A. Ternova, S. Yaheliuk, O. Verenikin, M. Cernavca // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 5/12. - С. 47-59. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

The procedure for the identification of white jewelry alloys based on precious metals, in particular, silver, platinum and platinum group metals with different contents of alloying components, by testing on an assay stone and by the method of X-ray fluorescence analysis has been considered. The methodology for assessing the compliance of silver and platinum fineness in white jewelry alloys of different component composition with the requirements of regulatory documents and the procedure for their identification has been improved. It has been established that the silver fineness in precious alloys of the AgCu, AgZnCu system, determined using the potassium dichromate reagent on the test stone, depends on the manifestation of the contrast of the qualitative reaction from the standard sample (assay needle). It has been proven that for testing silver alloys containing palladium, the "Acid reagent for gold 750" is effective, which works to determine the qualitative and approximate content of silver in alloys. It was determined that the reagent "Ferrous-cyanide potassium" is very sensitive to changes in the alloy composition of silver alloys and makes it possible to establish the silver content with an accuracy of 5 %. The presence in silver alloys of such impurities as zinc, cadmium, nickel, gold, palladium and others increases the error in determining the fineness of silver and forms a different color and shade. It has been proven that testing of silver alloys on an assay stone with silver nitrate is effective only for the СрМ system. The presence of zinc in 925 sterling silver alloys visually increases the color intensity of the sediment, which indicates a higher overestimated fineness. It has been found that the identification of the content of precious alloys based on platinum for the presence of ligature components is carried out with a potassium iodide reagent at T = 120 <^>oC by the color and shade of the sediment. The procedure for using potassium iodide during testing of precious platinum-based alloys has been optimized.

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