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Liutyi R. V. 
Synthesis of phosphosulphate substance and properties of its structured mixture with quartz sand = Синтез фосфосульфатної речовини та властивості її структурованої суміші із кварцовим піском / R. V. Liutyi, M. V. Tyshkovets, M. M. Yamshinskij, V. Yu. Selivorstov, V. G. Ivanov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 4. - С. 59-65. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Creation of binder based on orthophosphoric acid and aluminum sulfate, study on its structure and physicochemical patterns of formation, determination of the properties of structured mixtures for the needs of foundry. Methodology. In the work, X-ray qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed on the Rigaku Ultima IV unit, and differential thermal analysis was performed on the STA 449 C Jupiter synchronous thermal analyzer. Orthophosphoric acid, technical thermal, of 85 % concentration, 18-hydrous sulfate of aluminum Al2(SO4)3 x 18H2O and quartz sand of brand 3K5O3025 were used. The strength of core mixtures was determined on the US-700 unit on standard cylindrical samples with a diameter and height of 50 mm. The roughness of the cast surfaces was determined on a profilometer model 10 7622 with computer processing of the obtained data and construction of profilograms. To determine the propensity of the core mixtures to form caking, a hexagon sample was used according to the method by M. Fedorov. Breakability was determined on standard cylindrical samples with a diameter and height of 50 mm according to the original method described in the text of the article. Findings. For the first time, the mechanism of formation of aluminum phosphates with binding properties during the interaction of aluminum hydrate crystal sulfate Al2(SO4)3 x 18H2O with orthophosphoric acid in the temperature range of 100 - 200 <^>oС has been investigated. The formation is proved of an intermediate phase during heating - aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3, which, in contrast to its sulfate, according to the results of thermodynamic analysis is able to interact with acid. Formation of aluminum in the system of ortho- and metaphosphates, which features binding properties and ensures high strength of samples based on quartz filler, has been established. The thermal transformations of the obtained binder, which consists of a combination of aluminum phosphates with its residual sulfate, are studied. Stages of gradual disintegration of crystal hydrates, formation of new aluminum phosphates and thermal decomposition of residual sulfate are recorded. The tendency to burn and knockout of the developed core mixtures was determined. Originality. For the first time, a description has been developed of the mechanism of formation of aluminum phosphates with binding properties during the interaction of its sulfate crystal hydrate Al2(SO4)3 x 18H2O with orthophosphoric acid in the temperature range of 100 - 200 <^>oС. Practical value. A new inorganic binder from orthophosphoric acid and 18-aqueous aluminum sulfate has been obtained for foundry production. The scheme of its preparation involves preliminary mixing and heating of the specified reagents with the resulting formation of a dry powder material which consists of phosphates and residual aluminum sulfate, and therefore it is called phosphosulfate. The binding has a long shelf life and is introduced into the mixture in a ready-made form while the technology of its production is less energy-intensive and long-lasting compared to the preparation of traditional metal phosphate binding.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И-5 + К721


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