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Yegorchenko R. R. 
The methods to calculate expediency of composite degassing pipelines = Методика розрахунку доцільності використання шахтних дегазаційних газопроводів із композитних матеріалів / R. R. Yegorchenko, O. A. Mukha, L. N. Shirin // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 4. - С. 23-27. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To develop methods for calculating of the expediency to use mine degassing system, made of the current composites, to improve safety in heavily loaded longwalls. Methodology. Solving the problems involved analysis of the current studies concerning the methane-air mixture removal from stopes while mining gaseous coal seams. Standard schemes of gas transmission systems have been considered as well as peculiarities of the methane-air mixture transportation using underground vacuum pipelines made from steel and composites. Findings. Expert evaluation concerning economic expediency to replace the traditional steel pipelines by the modern composite gas lines for the available mine degassing systems, has helped develop methods calculating the operational indices of degassing networks made from the recent polymeric materials. Originality. Methods have been developed to calculate technical and economic parameters of degassing network, made from the modern composites, and upgrade the current degassing systems to reduce expenditures connected with the captured methane-air mixture transportation from wells to vacuum pump stations. Practical value. Implementation of the findings as for the evaluation of the technical and economic parameters and introduction of the innovative engineering solutions to replace the traditional steel degassing pipelines by the recent gas lines made of long composite chains, involving minimum joints, has been scheduled by Ukrainian gaseous coal mines.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И181.19,1 + И16,1


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