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Abramov Y. 
Developing a method for determining the dynamic parameters of the operator of a mobile fire engine based on a segway = Розробка методу визначення динамічних параметрів оператора мобільної пожежної установки на базі сігвею / Y. Abramov, O. Basmanov, V. Krivtsova, V. Sobyna, D. Sokolov // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/3. - С. 58-63. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

A method for determining the dynamic parameters of the operator of a mobile fire engine based on a segway, which fully characterize its dynamic properties - delay time and inertia was developed. The development of the method includes four stages. At the first stage, the problem of obtaining analytical relationships for determining the dynamic parameters of the operator is solved. These relationships include the frequency characteristics of the operator at a fixed frequency and its static parameter. At the second stage, the choice of a fixed frequency is substantiated using a criterion that minimizes errors in determining the dynamic parameters. It is shown that the fixed frequency for the characteristic parameters of the operator does not exceed 0,5 Hz. The third stage includes substantiation of the procedure for determining the frequency characteristics of the operator and its static parameter. The frequency characteristics of the operator at a fixed frequency and its static parameter are determined numerically. This procedure is based on using the data obtained by measuring the values of the operator's transfer function at fixed time intervals. To obtain data, an interactive analog engine is used, which can also perform the functions of a simulator. The time intervals are chosen according to the Kotelnikov - Nyquist - Shannon theorem. At the last stage, the procedure for determining the dynamic parameters of the operator of a segway-based mobile fire engine is described. It is shown that the error in determining the dynamic parameters of the operator of a mobile fire engine does not exceed 9,0 %, if the error in determining its frequency characteristics at a frequency of 2,5 s<^>-1 does not exceed 2,0 %.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Н960.2-521


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