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Smerichevskyi S. 
Financial and accounting support of marketing strategies for energy efficiency of coal mines = Фінансово-облікове забезпечення маркетингових стратегій енергоефективності вугільних шахт / S. Smerichevskyi, T. Kosova, O. Tryfonova, O. Bezgina, G. Solomina // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 1. - С. 163-169. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Identification of the approaches to improve financial and accounting support of marketing strategies as a subsystem of energy management of coal mines. Methodology. Methods are to formalize theoretically energy management of coal mines based upon GOST and ISO requirements; generalize empirically electricity costs relying upon decade management reporting of fifteen mines in Donetsk coal field; formulate them consistently on the basis of price indices of industrial product manufacturers in the field of electric supply; and evaluate efficiency of energy management of coal mines while calculating their individual and sectoral potential, ranking of specific expenditures for electrical power as well as relative potential of energy efficiency. Findings. External and internal factors, influencing energy efficiency of coal mines, have been systemized. Requirements for such tools improving energy efficiency as energy management, energy marketing, energy accounting, energy analysis, energy audit, and energy-and financial planning have been generalized. Methodological approaches to identify individual and sectoral potential of energy efficiency of coal mines have been developed and implemented; their level and variability have been evaluated quantitatively. Originality. System approach is applied to classify energy audit of coal mines in terms of the following criteria: functioning phases of the audited entities; nature; scope of the audited entities; auditing methods; class of the involved problems; and auditing entities. Casual connections between individual ranking of energy efficiency and individual potential energy efficiency of coal mines have been determined; and dependence function of overall rankings of coal mines and sectoral potentials of their energy efficiency potentials has been formalized. Dynamic approach to identify subjects of financial and accounting support of marketing strategies of coal mines is applied in the form of energy efficiency potential progress. Practical value. Recommendations concerning the development of the basic program document on the energy management of coal mines have been substantiated in the form of "Order for energy policy" to identify the key energy efficiency indices as well as responsibility for their achievement. Details for such its sections as "Energy accounting, analysis, and audit", "Marketing support of energy policy", and "Financial and investment support of energy policy" have been proposed.

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