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Щепаченко В. І. 
Скляний посуд пізньоримського часу з Війтенків: технологічний аспект / В. І. Щепаченко // Археологія. - 2022. - № 1. - С. 121-153. - Бібліогр.: 148 назв. - укp.

This article is devoted to the study of the technological features of the manufacturing and decoration of glass vessels from archaeological complex of late Roman time - early Great Migrations period at Viitenky in the East of Ukraine. The observations of the evolution of shapes, decor and individual morphological features of Roman glassware has reached almost a century in their development now. During this time, researchers have repeatedly emphasized their information potential in chronological constructions and searches for production centres of certain types. The technical and technological approach in the study of glass found its place in the investigation of Cherniakhiv antiquities. In our opinion, in combination with traditional archaeological methods, it remains one of the most promising ways to resolve the issue of the origin of Cherniakhiv glass vessels, even today. The purpose of our study is a comparative analysis of the technological features of glassware from Viitenky, vessels from the area of the Cherniakhiv culture in Ukraine and items from the Roman provinces. The analysis of the materials allows drawing some conclusions. The set of technological methods registered during the study of glassware from Viitenky finds parallels both among Cherniakhiv glass vessels and among provincial Roman vessels. However, some of them are asynchronous to those existing in the provinces in late Roman and late Antique times. Despite the fact that the same morphological and decorative elements occur both among barbarian cups and among vessels of the Provincial-Roman circle, the chronology of their existence in both categories of Cherniakhiv glassware is often different. Observations of the chronology of their existence among Cherniakhiv vessels on the territory of Ukraine suggest certain changes in the set of technological methods used for their manufacturing and decoration, which appear no earlier than in the middle of the 4<^>th century.

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