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Maiboroda V. S. 
AISI 1045 steel flat surfaces machining using the magneto-abrasive method / V. S. Maiboroda, O. O. Belajev, D. Yu. Dzhulii, I. V. Slobodianiuk // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2020. - 7, № 1. - С. A1-A7. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

The results of the study of using the end-type heads based on permanent magnets for polishing flat surfaces of ferromagnetic parts on standard metal-working equipment are presented in the work. The possibility of a highly efficient achievement of the roughness of flat surfaces up to Ra << 0,05 <$E mu>m with the initial Ra >> 1 - 2 <$E mu>m with removing of the heredity of the machining in the form of microwaves obtained in the face milling operation was shown. Based on the results of the analysis of the process of dispergation of the material was analyzed the influence of the magnetic field gradient the intensity of the magneto-abrasive machining of flat ferromagnetic surfaces by heads, which form a magneto-abrasive tool in the shape of a "brush" and "half of torus". The influence of technological process parameters: the rotation speed of the working heads, the sizes of the working gap, the technological feed on the character of the change in the microgeometry of the machined surface were investigated. The machining conditions, under which occur the preferential machining of micro peaks or micro valleys on a rough surface, were identified. It was determined that the rational conditions of the magneto-abrasive machining of flat ferromagnetic surfaces are: the rotation speed of the working heads 900 rpm, the gap size between the machined surface and the working surface of the head 2,5 - 4,0 mm and the working feed 10 - 15 mm/min.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К637.400.5,27


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