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Podolchak N. 
Problems and prospects of training civil servants in contemporary Ukrainian realities / N. Podolchak, N. Tsygylyk, M. Khim // Econ., Entrepreneurship, Management. - 2021. - 8, № 1. - С. 80-89. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

The purpose of the article is to identify the main problems in the basic and advanced training of civil servants. Using a retrospective review and taking into account the current situation, develop a strategic plan for further action to improve the system of training of civil servants. Outline priority areas and forms of advanced training of existing staff and basic training of new civil servants to meet the needs of highly qualified and competitive staff. In this article, the authors used the literature review method and analytical method to develop a strategic plan for further action to improve the training of civil servants. Based on these two methods, the priority areas and forms of advanced training of existing staff and basic training of new civil servants were outlined. It is established that the existing system of advanced training and basic training of civil servants still needs to be improved without moving towards the reforms carried out by the National Agency for Civil Service Affairs of Ukraine. The main attention in the basic training should be paid to the practical application of the acquired knowledge. The most effective for fulltime students will be the internship of study in public authorities lasting 1 week of each semester. In this case, the topic of internship should correspond mainly to the three subjects studied, and it should take place at the end of the semester as a result before the exam or test. The results of the internship must be evaluated at least 20 % of the total grade for the subject. Part-time students are invited to take an internship before the session. Civil service advanced training is encouraged to take place annually in order to be competitive in times of rapid change. Thus the direction of advanced training is recommended to choose independently and to coordinate with the direct head. The number of hours per year must be at least 7 ECTS credits (210 hours), as 1 ECTS credit is insufficient for the effective acquisition of new knowledge. The results of this research can be implemented in the educational process to meet the needs of highly qualified and competitive staff, namely civil servants of the new generation. Also, the findings may be of interest to the leadership of the National Agency for Civil Service Affairs of Ukraine for further effective civil service reform in Ukraine. This article highlights the main problems of today, developed a strategic plan for further improvement of the existing system of training and retraining of civil servants. This will help to take effective steps towards the existing problems and move in the right direction of further reforms, and thus speed up progress towards the EU.

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