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Andriushchenko K. 
Development of а matrix of food industry capacity for making management decisions in the formation of sustainable development of agroecosystems = Розробка матриці потенціалу харчової промисловості для прийняття управлінських рішень при формуванні сталого розвитку агроекосистем / K. Andriushchenko, O. Datsii, O. Lavruk, R. Dmytrenko, I. Kutashev, I. Vinichenko, D. Mishchenko, Y. Kakhovych, K. Pivovarov, G. Ortina // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 2/13. - С. 16-27. - Бібліогр.: 34 назв. - англ.

A theoretical and methodological study was carried out to determine the need and features of developing a matrix of food industry capacity for making management decisions in the formation of sustainable development of agroecosystems, which will increase the operational efficiency of companies and food security of the country. The paper uses the following research methods: historical - in the process of studying modern views on understanding the importance of the agricultural sector for the economy; system analysis - when building a model of innovative business improvement. Methods of comparison and analysis of trends - the study of trends in the agricultural sector of Ukraine with the identification of important areas for improving their activities. Methods of financial analysis - for the analytical assessment of financial and economic activities of the investigated enterprises; forecasting methods - to substantiate the expected results of implementing the author's proposals in management practice. It is proposed to take into account the significant difference in the technology of their processing and production (number of advanced technologies used per 100 thousand people). The paper reveals the dependence of production technologies in agriculture on natural and weather conditions (share of technological innovation costs, %). Criteria for innovation skills in the development of agricultural engineering were proposed. The criteria were determined, which were divided into development groups. The tools for constructing a matrix of food industry capacity were substantiated. Note that for each indicator, the optimal value was determined taking into account the sensitivity factor and the rating of enterprises, which determined their place in the matrix. In the course of the study and the matrix of innovative development, the proposed technology was tested at leading domestic enterprises.

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