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Budashko V. 
Solving a task of coordinated control over a ship automated electric power system under a changing load = Розв'язання завдання координованого управління судновою автоматизованою електроенергетичною системою при змінах навантаження / V. Budashko, V. Shevchenko // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 2/2. - С. 54-70. - Бібліогр.: 45 назв. - англ.

This paper reports the synthesis of the main processes for the basic control over a complex technical vessel system. The issue related to the semantics of the description and the method for decomposing management tasks has been proposed to resolve in the context of the synthesis of the program to coordinate control over vessel technical systems and complexes with a sophisticated structure. An example of a five-unit ship's automated electric power system (SAEPS) for the predefined level of generated power, taking into consideration the efficiency criteria, was used to synthesize the algorithms that execute transitions from one level to another while taking into account the pre-emergency and emergency states of SAEPS. The organization of the sequential process of enabling/disabling generator units (GUs) implies developing a program for managing the coordinator's supervisor as part of a distributed two-level hierarchical structure of SAEPS control when the load changes. The sequence of operations to launch, synchronize, transfer the loading, and stop GU is based on the formation of GU optimal composition, the distribution of loads among GUs running in parallel, and the implementation of the program for optimizing the primary engine of the power plant. The reported principles for constructing GU composition control procedures based on the principle of "rigid and flexible" thresholds have made it possible to build a diagram of adjustment of the time delay in enabling GU dependent on the demanded power. It has been proven that the proposed technique improves the reliability of SAEPS operation as it eliminates possible emergency modes when false control combinations are assigned. Databases on the quantity of GUs, their technical condition, loading, fuel consumption, and environmental parameters have been built. The synthesis of control over a five-unit SAEPS has made it possible to determine the algorithmization procedure based on using an extended data array and simplify the functioning algorithm involved in the operations of choosing the structure for a five-unit SAEPS.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О462


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