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Fesenko G. 
Developing e-maturity model for municipal project and program management system = Розробка моделі е-зрілості для муніципальної системи управління проєктами і програмами / G. Fesenko, T. Fesenko, H. Fesenko, A. Shakhov, A. Yakunin, V. Korzhenko // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 1/3. - С. 15-28. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

The role and importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in city management are analyzed. It is substantiated that the digital component of municipal management is an important element of a sustainable city and ensures the expansion of citizens' access to basic services. Modeling the assessment of the electronic maturity of the management office of municipal digitalization projects is considered through the prism of the technological maturity model of I. Kendall and K. Rollins. A matrix for assessing the electronic maturity of municipal e-projects, represented by project management knowledge areas and digital ICT characteristics of electronic maturity, has been developed. The results of digital maturity modeling are discussed on the example of the Municipal e-Project Management Office (PMOeM). Eight levels of PMOeM maturity are proposed: "I - PMOeM is able to effectively implement information service projects"; "II - PMOeM analyzes the organizational aspects of the online services of the municipality"; "III - PMOeM develops ways to effectively implement online services"; "IV - PMOeM requires a high level of e-government maturity, opening "fast access" of citizens to e-services"; "V - municipality staff as members of the project team (PMOeM) ensures the e-government, municipal digital office, e-maturity, digitalization, e-project management progress of functional efficiency of city smart services"; "VI - PMOeM is able to provide the vast majority of municipal services using ICT tools"; "VII - PMOeM provides an expanded range of smart services"; "VIII - all municipal services are provided under the maximum mainstreaming of ICT". The proposed assessment tool will allow the PMOeM directorate and the top management of IT organizations to conduct a self-assessment of progress in the digital management of municipal e-projects, e-programs and select the actions necessary to move to a higher level of e-maturity.

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