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Papatya Karakurt 
Determination of caregiver burden and social support levels among caregivers providing care for patients hospitalized in Palliative Care Clinics / Papatya Karakurt, Sevinc Kose Tuncer, Nadire Yildiz Ciltas, Mehmet Dogan // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 4. - С. 11-15. - Бібліогр.: 33 назв. - англ.

Providing care to someone with a chronic disease requires being physically, emotionally, and mentally energetic. In particular, the presence of a patient with a disease that requires palliative care changes daily activities and routines, increases responsibilities of those who take the responsibility for patientіs care and changes the roles in the family. The objective of this study was to determine the care burden and social support levels among the caregivers providing care for patients hospitalized in palliative care clinics. The population of this descriptive and correlational study consisted of caregivers taking care of patients treated at the Palliative Care Clinic of Training and Research Hospital between May and October 2018; the sample consisted of 73 caregivers who volunteered to join the study and were open to communication. Data were collected by questioning patients and their caregivers about their sociodemographic characteristics, using the Caregiver Burden Scale and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Data analysis included percentages, the Kruskal-Wallis test, the Mann - Whitney Utest, and the Spearmanіs Correlation Coefficient. The average caregivers' age was <$E45,44~symbol С~13,76> years; 75,3 % of caregivers were females, 30,1 % of caregivers were literate or had primary school degrees. Caregiver's gender and educational levels were found not to affect caregiving and social support levels; however, the economic status affected caregiving and social support levels. There was a reverse correlation between the caregiver burden and their social support levels. Conclusions: with increased caregiver burden, their social support level decreased. Nurses caring for patients in palliative care clinics will benefit from educating and supporting caregivers about clinic and home care; it will result in a positive level of social support for both caregivers and patients receiving care.

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