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Sytnik N. 
Rational parameters of waxes obtaining from oil winterization waste = Раціональні параметри одержання восків з відходів вінтеризації олій / N. Sytnik, E. Kunitsia, V. Mazaeva, A. Chernukha, P. Kovalov, N. Grigorenko, S. Gornostal, O. Yermakova, M. Pavlunko, M. Kravtsov // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 6/10. - С. 29-35. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Production of waxes from spent perlite, which is a waste of sunflower oil winterization, is studied. Winterization is characterized by significant losses of oil with filter powders, and waste utilization is an environmental and economic problem. At the same time, winterization waste contains valuable components - wax and oil, which can be used in different ways. The content of waxes in spent perlite using hexane (18 %), as well as the quality indicators of the obtained wax: melting point 70 <^>oC, saponification number 115 mg KOH/g, acid number 2,6 mg KOH/g, mass fraction of moisture 0,82 % are determined. Spent perlite was treated with a solution of sodium chloride during boiling, settling of the obtained mass, washing and drying of wax. The dependence of the yield and melting point of the extracted waxes on the processing parameters: the concentration of sodium chloride solution, temperature and duration of settling is found. Rational conditions for spent perlite processing are determined: the concentration of sodium chloride solution - 7,5 %, settling temperature - 20 <^>oC, settling duration - 10 hours. The experimentally determined wax yield at this point is 14,3 %. Quality indicators of the wax sample obtained under rational conditions are studied: melting point 68 <^>oC, saponification number 110 mg KOH/g, acid number 2,8 mg KOH/g, mass fraction of moisture 0,85 %. These values correlate with the data for wax extracted using hexane, as well as with reference data on the quality of beeswax and sunflower wax. The data obtained allow recycling spent perlite without organic solvents, which makes the process more environmentally friendly and cost-effective, as well as solves environmental problems associated with the utilization of winterization waste.

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