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Shtompel M. 
Performance analysis of the bioinspired method for optimizing irregular codes with a low density of parity checks = Аналіз ефективності біоінспірованого методу оптимізації нерегулярних кодів з малою щільністю перевірок на парність / M. Shtompel, S. Prykhodko, O. Shefer, V. Halai, R. Zakharchenko, B. Topikha // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 6/9. - С. 34-41. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

This paper reports the principles of building irregular codes with a low density of parity checks. It has been determined that finding irregular finite-length codes with improved characteristics necessitates the optimization of the distributions of powers of the symbol and test vertices of the corresponding Tanner graph. The optimization problem has been stated and the application of a bioinspired approach to solving it has been substantiated. The paper considers the main stages of the bioinspired method to optimize the that a given method is based on the combined application of the bioinspired procedure of bats, a special method for building Tanner graphs, and computer simulation. The reported study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method for optimizing irregular codes when using the selected bioinspired procedure and the predefined model of a communication channel. Based on the study results, it has been determined that the optimized relatively short irregular codes with a low density of parity checks possess better characteristics compared to existing codes. It is shown that the derived codes do not demonstrate the effect of an "error floor" and ensure an energy win via encoding of about 0,5 dB compared to regular codes depending on the length of the code. It has been determined that the optimization of irregular codes with a low value of the maximum power in the distribution of powers of the symbol vertices of the Tanner graph leads to a decrease in the order of an error coefficient in the region with a high signal/noise ratio. The application of the optimized irregular codes with a low density of parity checks could improve the efficiency of next-generation wireless telecommunication systems.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З88-014


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