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Turkovskyi V. 
Using the constant current - constant voltage converters to effectively reduce voltage fluctuations in the power supply systems for electric arc furnaces = Використання перетворювачів сталий струм - стала напруга для ефективного зниження коливань напруги у мережах живлення дугових сталеплавильних печей / V. Turkovskyi, A. Malinovskyi, A. Muzychak, O. Turkovskyi // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 6/8. - С. 54-63. - Бібліогр.: 48 назв. - англ.

AC electric arc furnaces (EAFs) are among the most common technological units for making high-quality steel. The use of furnaces is promising in the future as the production volumes of electric steel increase. These furnaces are powerful electrical installations exposed to the dynamic, asymmetrical, and nonlinear load, which adversely affects the quality indicators of electricity supply. Typically, this negative impact is reduced by connecting EAFs to high power energy systems or, in most cases, by applying different types of static reactive power compensators. Such approaches require considerable investment in the development of the power system or in the equipment of compensatory installations whose rated capacity is several times higher than the capacity of the furnace transformer. These approaches aim to reduce the effects of negative impact. It is possible to achieve the greater effect of limiting the negative impact, at smaller investments, by using an alternative approach that aims directly at the source of the negative impact. The approach implementation implies forming an external characteristic of the EAF power supply. The characteristic should be rigid in current in the region of furnace operating modes from operational short circuit to the rated load. In the region of modes from the rated load to idling, this characteristic should be rigid in voltage. Underlying the formation of this characteristic is a resonance converter, which ensures almost a stable value of the arc current under the furnace operating modes. This study has confirmed the significant benefits of the proposed approach, which proves more effective in improving the quality of electricity in the network. This makes it possible to use EAFs in smaller power systems and ensure the development of the industry at a lower investment.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К327.41-42


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