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Сирцова О. М. 
Класична середня освіта у Запоріжжі на рубежі XIX - XX ст. та початку XXI ст.: порівняльний аналіз / О. М. Сирцова // Наук. пр. іст. ф-ту Запоріз. нац. ун-ту. - 2019. - Вип. 52 (т. 2). - С. 135-143. - Бібліогр.: 34 назв. - укp.

The article is devoted to the comparison of the state of realization of the right to general secondary education at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and the beginning of the twenty-first century taking into consideration the example of the analysis of the functioning of the Alexander Classical Women's Gymnasium and the Alexander Classical Male Gymnasium and modern institutions of general secondary education in Zaporizhzhia. On the basis of the local lore material, the procedure of creation, the source of financial and material resources and the peculiarities of human resources are described, the system of management and organization of the educational process of classical gymnasiums of the district city of Aleksandrovsk Katerinoslav province is described. These positions are analyzed through the prism of the Law of Ukraine "On Education". Significant differences and common features of general secondary education in the retrospect of hundred years have been established. A general conclusion about the sustainability of educational processes in Ukrainian society is made and proved.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч424(4УКР-4ЗАП)715.3 г


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