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Mykhalevskiy D. 
Development of a method for assessing the effective information transfer rate based on an empirical model of statistical relationship between basic parameters of the Standard 802.11 wireless channel = Розробка методу оцінювання ефективної швидкості передачі інформації на базі емпіричної моделі статистичного зв'язку основних параметрів безпровідного каналу стандарту 802.11 / D. Mykhalevskiy // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 5/9. - С. 26-35. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

A method of estimating the effective data rate in channels of the Standard 802.11 was proposed. It provides for the measurement of the main energy parameter using the software and hardware of the subscriber device. This method is based on the empirical models of statistical relationships between the main parameters of the channel which are obtained on the basis of experimental studies using monitoring algorithms. The solutions obtained during the implementation of this method make it possible to take into account the maximum possible number of destabilizing factors and significantly reduce the time of assessment of the effective data rate. It should be noted that this method can be used for technical diagnostics of wireless networks of Standards 802.11x at the stages of network design and operation. It was established that when using the coefficient of energy efficiency, a significant error in the displacement of the points of intersection of the linear and logarithmic mathematical model occurs. This can lead to a discrepancy between the mathematical estimates of the effective data rate and real values. The statistical relationship gives a smaller error; however, it increases requirements for empirical studies to obtain the maximum possible reliability. One of the features of the proposed method is the reliability of assessment of the effective data rate. This reliability depends on three main factors: accuracy of assessing the results based on which the mathematical model was obtained; estimation of fluctuation intervals and characteristics of the Standard 802.11 equipment of different manufacturers. The last factor can be considered as a disadvantage that involves the creation of a database of parameters of the model of statistical relationship for different devices with correction coefficients.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З884.1-013.3


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