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Pylypenko H. M. 
Cost evaluation models of R & D products of industrial enterprises = Моделі вартісного оцінювання науково-технічних розробок промислових підприємств / H. M. Pylypenko, V. V. Prokhorova, O. B. Mrykhina, O. Ya. Koleshchuk, S. A. Mushnykova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 5. - С. 163-170. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To develop a pricing model for R'D products of industrial enterprises that would meet the changing conditions of the market environment. Methodology. The research was based on a set of methods, including comparative analysis, which was used to compare existing approaches to pricing for R'D products; Mamdani algorithm of fuzzy set theory to develop a methodology for forming the price of R & D products taking into account their consumer value and market receptivity; matrix method - to determine the level of the average market price for R & D products. Findings. The existing methodological approaches to pricing in the market of R'D products of industrial enterprises are analyzed; their advantages and limitations are highlighted. A methodology for pricing R & D products has been developed which allows us to take into account their consumer value and market receptivity. The matrix method for determining the level of the average market price for R'D product is explained. Based on the authors' approach, comparison of the prices of R & D products with the prices of their market counterparts was conducted. The probability level of the obtained results is estimated using the example of R & D products of LLC "Diada Group". Originality. A model of pricing for R'D products is developed. It is based on the methodology of forming the price of R'D product taking into account its consumer value and market receptivity, the matrix method for forming the average market price of R'D products, and the approach to comparing the obtained showings with the prices of market analogs. In contrast to the well-known ones, such a comprehensive approach allows us to achieve a higher level of price accuracy, since a set of heterogeneous features of factors influencing the price of R'D product is taken into account (by developing a correction factor based on the Mamdani algorithm of fuzzy set theory). The approach to the formation of features of factors influencing the price of R & D product makes it possible to maneuver the composition of R'D product features. Practical value. The authors' pricing model for R'D products was tested at LLC "Diada Group" and demonstrated high possibilities to improve the accuracy of price formation in the reality of changing market. Being a fairly flexible pricing tool, this model can be applied in the practical activities of enterprises in various sectors of the economy.

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