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Solonenko L. I. 
Heating rate of granular inorganic materials by microwave radiation = Швидкість нагріву зернистих неорганічних матеріалів надвисокочастотним випромінюванням / L. I. Solonenko, O. P. Bilyi, S. I. Repiakh, T. V. Kimstach, K. I. Uzlov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 2. - С. 37-41. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Determining heating rate of granular materials of inorganic origin used for manufacturing foundry molds and rods in the field of ultra-high frequency radiation, dependence of the heating rate of materials on the magnitude of their relative dielectric permeability, as well as establishing the influence of the chemical composition and structure of inorganic materials on their relative dielectric permeability. Methodology. Investigation was carried out on test material samples weighing 200 grams which were heated by microwave radiation with frequency of 2,45 GHz at nominal magnetron power of 700 W. Among the tested materials are: silicate block (soda), rutile, normal electro-corundum, zircon concentrate, distene-sillimanite concentrate, chamotte, quartz sand, sodium chloride, <$E beta>-gypsum (G4, closed), <$E alpha>-gypsum (G22, closed). Findings. According to the results of changing the initial temperature of samples, the heating rate of granular materials of inorganic origin and values of their relative dielectric permeability (e) were calculated. It has been found that investigated the heating rate of industrial-grade materials is in the range from 12 (for closed gypsum grade G22) to 122 <^>oC/min (for silicate block). Originality. Values of dielectric permeability indicators of solid granular materials-insulators of industrial purity with a value of <$E epsilon~symbol Г~17> have been established for the first time. It has been determined that their heating rate is directly proportional to e value. Moreover, these materials' dielectric permeability depends solely on their chemical composition and can be calculated according to the additivity rule of elementary chemical components included in their composition. Practical value. Based on the obtained data, materials appropriated for manufacturing casting model-core equipment, as well as casting molding and core mixtures working, dried and structured in the field of microwave radiation have been recommended. Using such materials will reduce energy consumption of casting parts production and increase its environmental safety.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л112.2


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