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Brovko F. 
Optimization of water-physical properties of sandy soils of natural-technogenic origin = Оптимізація водно-фізичних властивостей піщаних літоземів природно-техногенного походження / F. Brovko, O. Brovko, S. Tanchyk, V. Yukhnovskyi // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 1. - С. 111-117. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To establish the changes in the water-physical properties of sandy soils under the influence of different content of forest-like loam, humus mass of sod-podzolic sandy loam and gray loamy soils and to show their influence on the phytomass production of annual seedlings of Scotch pine and common oak. Methodology. Indicators of density, porosity, as well as absolute and relative humidity of sandy soils and their mixtures with different content of loam and humus mass of zonal soils were determined by conventional methods in soil science. The effect of the studied mixtures on the water-physical properties of the sands was evaluated by the parameters of accumulated absolutely dry phytomass of annual pine seedlings and seedlings of common oak. Findings. It is established that with increasing the content of forest loam and humus mass in sandy and sod-podzolic sandy soils from 20 to 80 % in their mixtures there is observed decrease in density (by 3,4 - 24,8 %), increase in porosity (by 1,1 - 70.0 %) and humidity - absolute (at 5 - 560 %) and relative (at 11 - 442 %). The share of needles in the total phytomass of pine seedlings is increasing (by 2 - 8 %), and the share of roots is decreasing (by 2 - 18 %). One-year-old pine seedlings accumulated the largest mass (2539 mg) on a mixture with 20 % of humus mass content and 80 % of loam content. With the increase in the sand content of forest loams and humus mass of gray forest loam soils from 20 to 80 % absolute humidity of the mixtures increases by 75,0 - 870,0 %, and the relative humidity - by 61,0 - 639,0 %. In the total phytomass of annual oak seedlings, the part of leaves increases (by 11,9 - 15,8 %), and the proportion of roots decreases (by 13,0 - 22,8 %). In annual oak seedlings, maximum values of the total mass (10,7 g) were observed on mixtures containing 40 % of humus mass of gray forest soils, 20 % of loess loam and 40 % sand, as well as 80 % of humus mass and 20 % of loam. Originality. It is shown that 20 - 80 % of admixture to the sands of loess loam and humus mass of sod-podzolic sandy soils significantly increases their porosity, their moisture content and has a positive effect on the accumulation of phytomass in annual pine seedlings. The same admixture to the sands of loess loams and humus mass of gray forest loamy soil provides a significant increase in absolute and relative humidity in the studied mixtures and causes oak seedlings to increase the mass of leaves and reduce the mass of roots in annual seedlings. Practical value. The proposed variants of formation of recultivation layer of three-component mixtures, which include sand, loess loam and humus mass of zonal soils allow optimizing the water-physical properties of sandy soils of natural-technogenic origin. The use of treated soil mixtures will ensure a more efficient use of man-made landscapes for economic purposes and at the same time reduce the manifestation of water erosion and deflation.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д344.22 + П034.25-22


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