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Bodnar B. 
Defining the limits of application and the values of integration variables for the equations of train movement = Визначення меж застосування та значень змінних інтегрування рівняння руху поїзда / B. Bodnar, M. Kapitsa, D. Bobyr, D. Kyslyi // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 6. - С. 59-65. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Railway transportation is an integral part in the transport infrastructure of our country. They cover passenger and cargo transportations by Ukrzaliznytsia, industrial enterprises, including transportation of the mining sector, which is characterized by heavy loads on the traction rolling stock due to large gradients of the track profile. Railway transport management is always preceded by traction calculations, the center of which is to solve the equation of train movement. Purpose.To determine the rational values of the variables in solving the equation of train movement, as well as relevant limits in their applicability. Methodology. To achieve the purpose, methods of system analysis, nonlinear programming, numerical methods for solving differential equations, namely the classical, Runge - Kutta - Feelberg, and Rosenbrock methods, are used. Computational accuracy was verified using simulation methods and compared with experimental data. Findings. The results of the research involve increasing the calculating speed when solving the equation of train movement without loss of accuracy, which allowed using the proposed method in on-board systems of locomotives. Originality. During the research, new scientifically grounded results were obtained that solve the scientific task in improving the energy efficiency of train operation, and are of great importance for railway transport. The obtained results constitute the originality, which consists in determining the rational limits of applicability and the value in a step of integration variables for the equations of the train movement. Practical value. The research results allow reducing the cost of energy consumed by hauling operations due to the promt recalculation of rational control modes when changing the train situation.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О22-011.2


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