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Trokhimchuk P. 
Polymetrical analysis. History, concepts, applications / P. Trokhimchuk. - Saarbrucken : LAP Lambert academic publ., 2018. - 271 c. - Бібліогр.: с. 245-262 - англ.

This book presents the foundations of the polymetric methodology and the main applications of the polymetric method in various fields of science (from the foundations of mathematics to linguistics and the theory of automata). Here the question of the polymetric methodology is considered as the result of the synthesis of the current scientific methodology of Errol E. Harris (science is a polyphase system) and N.R. Campbell (science begins with measurement). As a result of the formalization of this synthesis, a polymetric theory of measure and measurements, together with all mathematical apparatus proper to it, was constructed.

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