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Kalchenko V. V. 
Determination of instantaneous temperature in the cutting zone during abrasive processing = Визначення миттєвої температури в зоні різання під час абразивної обробки / V. V. Kalchenko, A. M. Yeroshenko, S. V. Boyko, P. L. Ignatenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 5. - С. 35-40. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Experimental research on the temperature state in the cutting zone for abrasive grinding and mathematical modeling of the stress-strain state of the workpiece surface under the influence of the determined temperature regime. Methodology. In this work, experimental methods were used to study the values of instantaneous temperature in the cutting zone. Specifically, we used non-contact method for measuring temperature with a thermal imager TI160, which has very high temperature sensitivity, which allows you to find the smallest temperature differences and build precise thermal images. The finite element method was used to study stresses and deformations that arise under the influence of instantaneous temperatures in the processing zone. Findings. The main factors influencing the instantaneous temperature during abrasive processing were identified. As a result of experiments, the values of instantaneous temperature were determined at different grinding conditions. Based on the experimental values of the temperatures, mathematical simulation was carried out and deformation, strain and displacement dependencies of the workpiece surface on the instantaneous grinding temperature were determined. The recommendations of the optimal grinding modes, at which the instantaneous temperature will be the smallest are given. Originality. Dependence of deformations, stresses and landslides in the workpiece under the influence of instantaneous temperature in the cutting zone, with different grinding modes is determined. Practical value. As a result of the research, practical recommendations have been developed regarding the choice of optimal grinding modes, in which the instantaneous temperature has the slightest effect on the occurrence of defects during processing.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К637.3-13


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