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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Kumhyr I. R. 
Modern view on the problem of treating minor dentition defects with the use of zirconium oxide ceramic resin-bonded prostheses / I. R. Kumhyr, Z. R. Ozhohan // Архів клініч. медицини. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 8-11. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

The objective of the research was to substantiate the effective method of treating minor dentition defects in the lateral and frontal areas considering anatomic features, functionality and aesthetic appearance of the prosthesis. A new approach to the problem of treating minor dentition defects with the use of zirconium oxide ceramic resin-bonded prostheses was proposed. The method of its manufacturing was described and the indications to the application were clearly explained. The comparative analysis with similar prostheses was conducted and the advantages of the proposed prosthesis were proved. Ceramic resin-bonded prosthesis allowed us to restore the dentition integrity in the presence of small bounded edentulous spaces in the lateral region and to provide high aesthetic qualities and bio-inertness of the prosthesis with maximum approximation to the physiological characteristics of natural teeth. Thirty-eight patients with small bounded edentulous space in the lateral region were treated with the use of zirconium oxide resin-bonded prosthesis for 18 months. The obtained results of prosthetic treatment indicated that the proposed prosthesis provided an opportunity to restore the aesthetic appearance and integrity of the dentition, to prevent the occurrence of the deformations and to ensure the functionality of the dento-facial system. Conclusions: the framework made of zirconium oxide allowed us to significantly reduce the depth of hard dental tissue preparation resulting in a great aesthetic appearance thereby providing an opportunity to significantly expand the indications for use. The remote results of treatment indicated the absence of marginal coloration at hte margin of indirect restoration and hard dental tissues, namely the marginal ridge, ensuring good aesthetics and functional integrity of the restorative construction.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р668


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