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Matsyuk I. M. 
On applying high-class mechanisms of heavy-loaded machines = Про застосування механізмів високих класів у важконавантажених машинах / I. M. Matsyuk, E. M. Shlyahov, O. I. Yehurnov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 3. - С. 68-73. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose - to evaluate the impact of possible variants of assemblies of the fourth class Assur group as a component of a jaw crushing machine on the machine runnability. In this paper, a theoretical study of possible assemblies of a fourth class Assur group, which is part of a jaw crusher, was carried out. Based on the conducted research it is found that the number of possible assemblies of the group in this mechanism without its reference to the crushing machine is equal to four. While applying this mechanism in the crushing machine, the maximum number of assemblies equals two and they can be in a close proximity, which can result in emergency. The originality in the work involves defining the number of possible assemblies of the fourth class Assur group. For the group under consideration it has been established that the maximum number of assemblies equals four. An algorithm of finding a zone of possible positioning of a driven crank of a crushing mechanism is suggested, which allows influencing the remoteness of two closely-spaced assemblies. The search algorithm of possible assemblies of the fourth class Assur group with the help of Mathcad program can be used when manufacturing similar crushing machines.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И411.1-51


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