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Vynohradov B. V. 
Limitation of oscillations of vibrating machines during start-up and shutdown = Обмеження коливань вібраційних машин під час пуску та зупинки / B. V. Vynohradov, V. I. Samusya, D. L. Kolosov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 69-75. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development and justification of a method for limiting resonance vibrations during start-up and shutdown of vibrating machines by using cord-reinforced rubber air springs as elastic elements Methodology. Viscoelastic models of two systems are considered; the first includes a rubber-cord air spring filled with compressed air and connected to an additional air volume through an orifice plate; the second system incorporates a rubber-cord air spring filled with liquid and connected to a hydropneumatic accumulator through an orifice plate. For these viscoelastic systems, linearized equivalent dynamic diagrams have been presented and differential equations of motion have been formulated. A method of limiting resonance vibrations during the start-up and shutdown of vibrating machines is considered. The effectiveness of limiting the resonance vibrations and forces transmitted to the fixed support structures is studied using the example of a vibrating screen. The worst case is considered when resonance vibrations are of a steady nature. The amplitude-frequency response and coefficients have been obtained, which characterize the dynamic load transmission to the fixed support structures for various viscous resistance forces determined by the orifice plate parameters. Findings. Equivalent schematic diagrams of viscoelastic systems incorporating rubber-cord air springs and a mathematical model describing the forced vibrations have been developed, a method has been proposed for limiting vibrations and loads transmitted to the fixed support structures during start-up and shutdown of vibrating machines. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been justified. Originality. It has been scientifically justified that the use of rubber-cord air springs as elastic elements of vibrating machines allows effectively limiting resonance vibrations and dynamic loads transmitted to the structures of fixed supports. Practical value. This allows limiting resonance vibration amplitude of a vibrating screen and decreasing dynamic loads transmitted to the fixed support structures of vibrating machines.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И411-5 + Ж605.3


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