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Biletsky M. T. 
Dependence of the drilling speed on the frictional forces on the cutters of the rock-cutting tool = Залежність швидкості буріння від сил тертя на різцях породоруйнуючого інструмента / M. T. Biletsky, A. A. Kozhevnykov, B. T. Ratov, V. L. Khomenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 21-27. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Forecasting the deepening in one revolution and the mechanical drilling speed, taking into account the decrease in the actual axial load due to the action of the frictional force. Methodology. The analytical model of the vertical and horizontal displacements of the indenter along the surface of the rock has been improved. It is detailed with reference to drilling of boreholes with crowns of cutting type taking into account the reduced actual axial load, acting on the cutter, on rocks with physical and mechanical properties. Findings. It is established that during the drilling, the true axial load is less than the nominal load due to the frictional force arising on the front of the tool. The one-turn and the mechanical drilling speed are predicted taking into account the decrease in the actual axial load due to the action of the vertical friction force. It has been revealed that as the width of the tool is reduced, the axial load losses increase due to friction forces, and the deepening per rotation and the drilling speed decrease more intensively. Originality. For the first time, the influence of the frictional force, which appears on the front of the tool of the rock cutting tool on the true axial load, the depression in one turn and the mechanical drilling speed, is shown. New analytical dependencies are proposed that allow one to predict the depth per one revolution and the mechanical drilling speed taking into account the design of the rock cutting tool and the geological and technical conditions of dri-lling. Practical value. The developed model of the interaction of cutting allows predicting the results of the application of various designs and technologies for the development of a rock-sensing tool more reliably, as well as choosing rational technologies for their application to achieve maximum technical and economic indicators.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И131-56


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