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Shramenko N. Y. 
Mathematical model of the logistics chain for the delivery of bulk cargo by rail transport = Математична модель логістичного ланцюга доставки масових вантажів залізничним транспортом / N. Y. Shramenko, V. O. Shramenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 5. - С. 136-141. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of a mathematical model for the functioning of the production and transport chain (PTC) of bulk cargo delivery by routes on the basis of a logistics approach. Methodology. The formation of a model for the functioning of the production and transport chain for the delivery of bulk cargo by rail transport is based on the analytical method of research, taking into account the principles of logistics and system analysis. Findings. Costs of individual links of the PTC for the delivery of ore cargoes by routes are formalized: the costs of loading, storage at the consigner's depot, transportation and storage of the consignee's cargo prior to its entering the production. A mathematical model of the functioning of the PTC of bulk cargo delivery by routes is developed. The optimized technological parameters related to the operation of the whole PTC are justified: the size of the cargo consignment, the technical equipment of the freight fronts, the delivery interval. Originality. A mathematical model of the functioning of the PTC of bulk cargo delivery by railway routes is developed, based on the system approach and the principles of logistics, taking into account the interaction of production, transport and consumption. Practical value. The developed mathematical model of the functioning of the production and transport chain of bulk cargo delivery allows modeling the process of cargo delivery from the mineral resource extraction sites and selecting the rational parameters of the rolling stock as well as loading and unloading mechanisms, their quantitative indicators; time and quantity parameters of the freight flow, depending on the values of the price and technological parameters. The model allows solving a wide range of tasks: those of suppliers and consumers in the independent formation of the supply chain; railway transport associated with the planning and management of operational activities of stations, and the choice of vehicle resources.

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