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Копчак Н. Г. 
Вплив йоду на показники ліпідного обміну у крові самок білих щурів різного віку з ожирінням / Н. Г. Копчак, О. С. Покотило, І. С. Назарко, Г. А. Білецька, М. І. Коваль // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 49-55. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - укp.

The article begins with a description of influence of thyroid hormones on lipid metabolism, lipid profile and body weight. Prolonged iodine deficiency leads to hypothyroidism which causes serious metabolic disorders. It is important to note that thyroid pathology as well as overweight is more common for women and depends on also on the age. The age features of lipid profile of female rats are described in the paper. A detailed analysis of iodine influence on cholesterol, triacylglycerols and lipoproteins of high and low density has been also described in the article. The paper aims at the research of the comparative effect of biologically active iodine in the composition of "Jodis-Concentrate" and inorganic iodine (KJ) as a component of "Yodomarine" on the lipid profile of female rats with experimental alimentary obesity. Experimental alimentary obesity have been investigated during 45 days at 48 Wistar white female-rats of different age. They have been divided into three groups of 16 animals each. Each group has been divided into 4 subgroups. The control subgroup has undergone a standard diet. Rats of 2, 3 and 4 have had EAO which has consisted of sodium glutamic acid in a ratio of 0,6:100,0 and a high-calorie diet that has included standard food (47 %), sweet concentrated milk (44 %), corn oil (8 %) and vegetable starch (1 %). The 3rd subgroup has been under the effect of biologically active iodine Jodis-Concentrate and 4<^>th-inorganic iodine as potassium iodide in the medicine "Yodomarine". The following parameters of lipid profile have been measured by the spectrophotometric method: triacylglycerols, cholesterol, high and low density lipoproteins. The results of the studies show the differences of the content of cholesterol, triacylglycerols and lipoproteins of high and low density in the blood serum of 3, 4, and 6,5 month old females of clinically healthy white rats and EOA animals, that have intragastrically got biologically active Jodis-Concentrate (J-C) and inorganic iodine "Yodomarine" (IM). It has been found that the intragastric administration of "Jodis-Concentrate" to the 3, 4 and 6,5 month old females of white rats with EAO (in the 3<^>rd subgroup) has led to a significant decrease of cholesterol level in the blood serum: 15; 15,5 and 17,4 % respectively; while the use of "Yodomarin" (in the 4<^>th subgroup) has meant 11,8; 14,8 and 16 %, compared with the same indicator of EAO animals (in the 2<^>nd subgroup) of the corresponding age groups. It has been also found that the concentration of LDL-C in serum blood of 4<^>th and 6,5 month old females of white rats in the control subgroup have been 12,5 and 14,3 % that is significantly higher than in the 3 month old animals. The level of LDL-C in the female white rats with EAO of 3, 4 and 6,5 months has been 36,4; 22,6 and 26,5 % that is much higher than the concentration of LDL-cholesterol in the animals from the control subgroup. Consequently, it proves the fact that iodine plays an important role in lipid metabolism. The research shows normalization of high-density lipoprotein and triacylglycerol levels.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е60*723*725.13 + Е60*72*801.1-641


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