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Imanberdiev B. 
Peculiar features of business incubators functioning: Ukrainian and world experience / B. Imanberdiev, A. Cherep, O. Cherep, T. Mostenska // Ukr. Food J.. - 2018. - 7, № 2. - С. 324-336. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

Introduction. It was analyzed the modern approaches to the functioning of business incubators in Ukraine with the purpose of ensuring the initiation of effective structural changes in the national economy. Materials and methods. The experience of creating and operating business incubators in the United States, Italy, Britain, Portugal, Brazil, China has become a material for research. Results and discussion. Business incubators play an important role in the development of national economies. The creation of business incubators will provide conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in the agri-food sector, the creation of new jobs, the effective use of innovative capacity and resources. The largest number of start-up projects is in the following areas: service - 17 %, trade - 13 %, industry - 9 %, IT - 8 %, hotel and restaurant business - 7 %, transport and agriculture - 6 %. Implementation of the main functions of business incubators, namely: business expertise for new enterprises and financing contribute both to the economic development of regions and increasing their investment attractiveness, and to the development of entrepreneurship, ensures the implementation of innovative ideas, creating additional jobs, and improving the welfare of the population. In Ukraine the prospects of business incubators are determined by the following factors: increasing demand of business structures for new training technologies, consulting and information support; increasing demand of potential investors that not only should firms prove their steady material and financial position but also show an ability to dispose of investments provided to them; credit policy of banks forbidding companies totake up loans to purchase fixed assets, especially buildings, office and other equipment which results in an increase of their costs and reduction of current assets; pre-final stage of market formation which increases competition and makes business spend more time on sales of goods (services), diverting their attention from issues of functional management and strategic marketing; time needed for startups to develop and adapt to the market under terms of the current fiscal policy. Conclusion. The study of the history of the creation of business incubators in the world made it possible to identify the main directions of innovative entrepreneurship and the prospects for its development in Ukraine.

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