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Tulchynska S. 
Using a methodical approach to the evaluation of attractiveness investment resources for electricity distribution companies = Використання методичного підходу до оцінювання залучення інвестиційних ресурсів у підприємства розподілення електроенергії / S. Tulchynska, N. Shevchuk, V. Chornii, B. Chornii // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 130-135. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

Purpose - to substantiate the methodological approach to the evaluation of investment resources at the enterprise of electric energy distribution in the conditions of diversifying their sources through the use of nonlinear dynamics model by M. Magnitsky. The study used systematic and synergetic approaches as well as the method of analytical modeling. The work proved the use of nonlinear dynamics model by M. Magnitsky for evaluation of investment projects; a structural diagram of the algorithm calculating the efficiency of project companies for the electric energy distribution based on the nonlinear dynamics model by M. Magnitsky was suggested. The methodical approach to the evaluation of investment resources through the use of nonlinear dynamics model by M. Magnitsky has practical value for the businesses of energy distribution and other businesses, and gives an opportunity to determine the effectiveness of the project under the conditions of diversification of sources of funds available for investment. This article suggests the improved methodological approach to the evaluation of investment project efficiency of enterprises of electric energy distribution on the cognitive information basis, which involves implementation of: mathematical structural model for calculating the parameters of the investment project and two solutions of differential equations of the model by M. Magnitsky, which, unlike the existing ones, is based on the solution of Feyhembaumі attractors with stabilization of operating points of managing the investment resources based on their diversity. The methodical approach to the evaluation of investment resources can be used at the enterprise of electric energy distribution in the conditions of diversifying their sources.

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