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Mekti Z. 
Industrial application of blast furnace slag as a substitute for sand at the cement plant of Hadjar-Soud (Algeria) = Промислове застосування доменного шлаку в якості замінника піску на цементному заводі Хаджар-Сууд (Алжир) / Z. Mekti, M. Bounouala, M. Chettibi, A. Boutemedjet // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 1. - С. 43-50. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose. This study is conducted on the use of industrial waste (blast furnace slag) from the El-Hadjar steel plant located in eastern Algeria. The research aims to understand the behaviour of the addition of Slag as raw material (replacing sand) in the preparation of the mixture before baking in the rotary kiln at the Hadjar-Soud cement plant in Skikda. Methodology. The representative samples taken from the cement plant site are subjected to grinding of the mixture of limestone, slag, clay and iron ore, the material prepared at a grain size of less than <$E 50~mu> is subjected to a physicochemical characterization. The prepared sample is placed in a furnace with a temperature of up to 1450 <^>oC. Findings. The results obtained during the tests show that the addition of slag into the raw meal does not affect the chemical or mineralogical composition of the clinker. However, the clinker obtained reveals significant results and meets the Algerian standard NA 442 2000 (CPJ CEM II/A 42.5). The addition of slag to replace the sand has allowed us to reduce the annual CO2 emission rate by about 17,5 %, and contributes to the reduction of pollution. Originality. The originality of this work is the preparation of the raw cement meal, based on slag (already decarbonated material) instead of sand. As a rule, for the production of cement clinker, the proportion of the raw materials is: limestone (77 - 80 %), clay (16 - 18 %), iron ore (1,5 - 3 %) and sand (2 - 4 %). In the present work, the proportions for the production test of the slag-based clinker are respectively: limestone 70 %, slag 9 %, clay 19,2 % and iron ore 1.8 %. The estimate of the annual CO2 emission rate in the cement plant was carried out by the Software (GEMIS 4.7). Practical value. The process for obtaining slag-based clinker (steel waste) is probably of great importance for the production of cement for several reasons: the production of one tonne of Clinker at a minimum cost, along with management of non-renewable natural raw materials, such as sand and limestone deposits, and work towards sustainable development.

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