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Kuzio T. 
Western political thought on the Russia-Ukraine crisis and Russian aggression against Ukraine / T. Kuzio // Стратегіч. пріоритети. - 2017. - № 4. - С. 192-196. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Western scholars and experts write about the Ukraine-Russia crisis Russia's military aggression against Ukraine from five different angles. These can be divided into Russia apologists, geopolitics, Russian empire building, nature of Vladimir Putin's regime and national identity. Of these five, the first should be prioritised in counter-information campaigns. The second, third and fourth are important tools of analysis and Ukraine can cooperate with scholars and experts in these fields. Surprisingly, the smallest attention has been upon national identity which in my view is the best explanation of the crisis and war. The second, third and fourth explanations can be viewed as an outgrowth of national identity. The war would end if Putin and other Russian leaders decided they henceforth accepted Ukrainians were not a branch of the "Russian people" (that is, a separate nation) and Ukraine was a sovereign country with the right to decide its own geopolitical destiny.

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