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Kovrov O. S. 
Slope stability assessment of hydraulic-fill soil dams and fill-up embankments = Оценка устойчивости откосов намывных грунтовых плотин и насыпных дамб / O. S. Kovrov, K. S. Prychyna // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 6. - С. 115-123. - Бібліогр.: 3 назв. - англ.

Stability and technogenic safety of hydraulic-fill dams and filled-up soil embankments, used as geotechnical waterworks, represent an important scientific and applied concern. Purpose. Investigating the stability of selected areas at the bottom slope of the hydraulicfill soil dam of Seredniodniprovska hydroelectric power station and filled-up embankment for the Dnipro river bank protection. Research tasks include numerical simulation of geomechanical processes that take place in the dam body at the selected points from PK14 to PK16; revealing causes of funnel-shape subsidence areas on the dam slope surface; validation of the design procedure for soils slopes stability for assessment of the slope stability and soil dams assessment for justification of the Dnipro river bank protective measures. Methodology. The paper utilizes a complex approach with the application of theoretical generalization of the laws of slope stability in hydraulic structures as well as numerical simulation of geomechanical processes in hydraulic-fill dams and filled-up soil embankments via Phase 2 finite element analysis software using Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Findings. Modeling of geomechanical processes that occur in the soil body of the bottom slope of the fill dam of Seredniodniprovska hydroelectric power station is carried out. The calculation of the fill-up embankment slopes stability for river bank protection on the territory of the Dnipro is carried out. Originality. The causes of the formation of funnel-shaped holes and piping phenomena on the surface of the deformed slope of the hydraulic-fill dam are determined. The regularities of change in the stability of slopes of fill-up embankments with a change in the height of the structure and slopes geometry are established. Practical value. Lies in a reliable assessment of slope stability and safety of hydraulic-fill dams and fill-up embankments and the forecast of landslide-dangerous processes taking into consideration geometry and physical-mechanical properties of soil massif.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Н581.122.3


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